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TAEMIN had been looking forward to the unit ever since they told him that he would be a judge. he was excited to see people show their talents and to help them grow while they were part of the survival show.

to say that he was surprised when many familiar faces showed up, was an understatement. he was surprised, happy and sad at the same time. to see so many people he considered friends not succeeding wasn't easy, especially since he did succeed.

he was already sad when his good friend timoteo showed up, but when the last contestant appeared he was even more sad in his heart. it was none other than ji hansol. someone who had always been a good friend to him. someone who always worked hard for what he wanted. someone who was thrown into the dungeon by his very own company and wasn't able to show his talent to others.

it was only after the filming had ended, that he remembered. the boy's fellow friends probably didn't know that he participated since they always showed worry for him, because he wasn't contacting them.

he immediately drove to their dorm, hoping that they were home. he rang the bell and none other than the group's eldest member opened the door.

taeil looked at him with confusion in the eyes.

"can i come in?"

"of course." taeil agreed.

taemin immediately noticed the seventeen other members of the group. he still wondered how he could remember all of their names.

after greeting all of them he sat down with them and started talking.

"you remember when i told you i'll be a judge on the unit?"

"of course, you were really excited about it." johnny agreed.

"i met some old friends there."

"that's awesome, but why are you telling us that?" mark was confused.

"hansol is participating."

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