Chapter XXIV

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(A/N) I love writing this fanfiction too much and it's killing me because you guys really deserve a happy ending and you're not gonna get one and I'm totally not leading you guys on hahaha...

I must have passed out... dammit. At least I went out silently. I didn't give them the pleasure or satisfaction of knowing they hurt me. Those mother fuckers won't ever get to me. I'm going to get out of here.

And I'm going to kill them.

I woke up strapped to a bed, that's all I really know. The room was fancy, but it wasn't a room I had seen before. To be honest, I've only seen one room besides the main room in this house.

There were footsteps headed this way, that's all I could hear. Other than that, I was alone in the room. I tried to move, but it hurt. My vision got blurry with tears.

The door opened silently and a figure walked in. My vision was still blurry, but I assumed it was Zeus, Pluto, or Luke.

"YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, wanting to make them feel like the shit they are. "YOU BITCH ASS BASTARD FUCKING NOT KNOWING WHAT TWO PLUS TWO IS YOU FUCKING DUMBA-" A hand clamped down on my mouth.

"Shut up!" They hissed. The voice was definitely male, but it wasn't recognizable. "You're the only chance I have to get out of here. I'm the only chance you have!" I blinked a few times and was able to clear my eyes.

The person had black hair, sea green eyes, and had a look in his eyes that meant no harm.

I wanted to trust him.

But I also wanted to trust Pluto at one point. I wanted to trust many people who turned out to be complete assholes. He was either going to end up being a Will Solace or a Pluto Hades.

I'm just not sure if I liked the odds.

"My name is Percy Jackson," he said, fiddling with my bounds. "I've been in this Rape House for at least," he mumbled some numbers to himself, "well, since I was twelve. And I'm around sixteen now, I think. Anyway, I've been a rape slave to Pluto Hades for a while." I felt my bed shiver along with Percy. "Sorry if this is a lot of information, but this is our only chance to leave."

"Wait, wha- what? Why is this our only chance?" This was a lot of information, sure, but what? Why have I never heard of Percy? Pluto is bisexual? He literally called me a faggot the first time he saw me since... Bianca died. But he himself has been raping a poor boy since the boy was twelve? Now that's what I call "fucked up."

"Some idiot decided to stab Luke Kronos in the eye with something," Percy laughed. "Poor kid. They would've gotten it bad. But yeah, the only one left is Pluto. Zeus and Luke are at the hospital."

"I-it was me?" My tone was a bit questioning and squeaky. "I stabbed his eye. It helped my sister, I guess, so I decided to give it a try."

Percy gasped. "Your sister was Bianca di Angelo? Oh damn, the Heros of Olympus will be thrilled to hear this."

"Heros of Olympus?"

"It's what me and my friends call our friend group. And the fact that right now, we're trying to get everyone out of here. Your mom, she escaped once, so she knows the way out."

"We could walk out the front doo-"

"The front door is locked."

"... Oh. Right."

Percy undid the last rope that strapped me to the bed. I checked my back pocket for my glass shard, sighing in relief that it was still there. "Alright. Let's get everyone -- I honestly had no idea there were more people -- out of this hell hole!"

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