Chapter One

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Natalies P O V :

I've always loved art. whether it be in the form of music, dance, drawing, it has grown on me a lot through out the years.

I paint when i'm sad, i paint when i feel alone, I paint when there is no place to go. taking out my art pencils, and drawing across the white paper makes me feel alive and nothing else will ever take the place of that.

I hum to some random song i was listening to earlier as i add some colors onto the latest drawing i had been working on, it was coming along pretty good.

I jump, as i hear the door slam open to my dorm.

"Natalie, your drawing again? c'mon there's a party next door. I bought tons of tequila." My bestfriend aswell as my
roomate, jessica eggs me on.

Jessica and I have been bestfriends since our senior year of highschool, 2 years. and it's quite funny how we got put in the same dorm. but we're completely different people that you'd never think would be friends. She's the rebillous girl who likes to dye her hair all sorts of colors. she's also very outgoing and loves people and partying. she drinks, smokes and has a lot of hookups with random strangers and has been involved in a lot of  relastionships with guys a bit older than her. she deafnitly has gotten me in some sticky situations and has kind of helped me loosen up a bit.

I'm the art girl who likes to draw, study and read science fiction novels while drinking tea in my room on weeknds and watching re-runs of friends.

"Natalie, theirs a party next door. you should come," she nudges my shoulder, i gasp when i realize she has messed up a small part of my drawing.

"Jessica!" I groan, her features soften and she covers her mouth.

"Dude! i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that."

"It's fine, jess. I've just been working on this piece for about 5 months and-"

I can feel myself getting teary eyed, i try to compose myself but i can just feel a small tear roll down my cheek.

"Natalie, I'm truly so sorry. I didn't mean it. you can always draw something similar to it."

"It's not just something i can re-draw i made it in honor of my mum. y'know that." I get up, going to the bathroom to grab some tissues to wipe my face. i didnt mean to be so sensitive, but art is my life. My mum passed away almost 1 year ago, and theres not a night that I don't think about her. she encouraged me to major in art in college. and pursue it as a career and that is exactly what I am doing. i want to make her proud.

"Natalie," jessica comes from behind me, as I look in the mirror at my tear stained cheeks.

I look a mess. she takes the tissue from out of my hand and throws it in the trash. "I know you made this for your mum. but we're in our junior year of college now! we're only 21

for crying out loud. and here you are painting pictures on a friday night when you could be making out with some hot guy on a staircase. we have our whole lives ahead of us. let's have some fun and enjoy it. you only live once, that's what your mum always said." she smiles.

and she did.

But I knew exactly what jessica was trying to do. she has such a way with words, that i wish i possesed." Are you trying to get me to go to the party by using one of your tactics that always work?" I sigh.

"Mhm." she nods.

I give in. maybe it will take my mind off of the art piece which was ruined by my   rebellious bestfriend. "I'm in, but only if you buy me new paint brushes." I bribe, and she nods.


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I sigh, throwing dresses across the room I've tooken my shower already and did my makeup and hair, now all im trying to find is a dress of some sort.

"Knock, Knock." I hear jessicas voice from the other side.

"Trying to find something to wear! and having no luck!" I yell back, picking up a sparkly skirt that i got in highschool. what made me even wear that?

"Let me come in! I can help you!"

"Your idea of the perfect outfit is a dress that looks like underwear. no thanks Jess," I reply, looking in the mirror at my makeup thats a bit smeared.

"Please! I can help you, I know your style like i know how many ciggareates it takes till you pass out. c'mon nat," she practically begs, I sigh opening the door and she claps her hands in excitment aiming straight for my closet throwing stuff and looking at stuff.

"Your style is so-"

"Boring. I know I-"

"This is so cute! I've never seen you wear this girl, yeah, you're gonna wear this. put this on!" she throws the dress in my hands.

It was a red off the shoulder dress that barely stopped at my knees that hugged my chests very well. I got it 2 months ago but never wore it. i was scared to, but i bought it to try something new which i did but, regreted it in the end.

i actually intended on taking it back as a matter of fact. but after jessica finding it i don't think thats going to happen now.

I walked to the bathroom holding the dress in my hand, fashion risks are called risks for a reason and i was deafinitly going to be taking one.

I can hear the entire university

"Oh my gosh natalies wearing a dress that stops at her thigh!"

"natalie isnt wearing jeans and t-shirt or something hipster for once!"

"did you see natalie woah"

I sighed and looked at myself, The dress was finally on. and i must admit it looked damn good on me, i just didnt like the attention it would draw to me.

"Nat! come out so i can see the damn dress!" jessica yells as she always is.

I open the door slowly and step out, shly looking down at my feet. "Babe! you look gorgeous, it goes so well with your makeup and hair." she grins, I smilealittle and pick up the heels on my dresser, sliding into them and grabbing my small black clutch.

"Your all set! let's go party till we see the stars." Jessica says excitedly tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder, I bite down on my bottom lip and nod.

"Let's do it."

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NEW STORY!!! back to writing yay

Natalie is played by victoria secret model taylor hill, I chose her because shes so beautiful and she really protrays the character lookswise.

and i like instantly thought of her as i was thinking of the character natalie :)

I have no idea who i want jessica to be, when i do i will add a picture. but for now use your imagination and your depiction of who you think she could be?😕

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Im so exicted to be writing again. and excited for the story!

when I get 20+ reads on this chapter i'll upload the next! because i've written it already😘

vote, comment!! :)

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fireworks h.s. au short story |on hold|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora