Chapter six

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Natalie's POV :

"Jess!" I yell running over to my friend who is sitting on her bed, rubbing her knees with her hands. she looks nervous and freightened as she jumps when i come in. i've never seen her like this before. jessica always has it all together. she's always confident and i've never seen her look so vunerable and scared before. i just want to hug her and i do just that, running over to her wrapping my arms around her.

"We have to do something this guy is crazy." I mutter.

She holds on limply to me, not saying a word sniffing as if she had ben crying alot. i knew she was trying to hold back the tears but they were falling and you couldn't deny it. imagine being held in your dorm room and being threatened that you were going to die,that would scare me too.

Jessica has been in lots of these type of situations where she's in harms way but not like this.

"It's okay Jess. your safe."

"He had a knife and he locked the door. he said he was going to kill me. I'd never seen him so mad before. and i've known him for years, nat. he likes you. stay away. louis is notorious for alot of things. I don't want him to hurt you and i'll do all i can to protect you. but watch your back." she looks up at me, I feel my heart beat. the anxiety of having to watch myself on campus at all times because of him, terrified me. i didn't want to tell the cops because of retaliation. and their is so much they can do.

"How does he get away with all of this?" I ask, not meaning to really ask her but thinking out loud. how does he just do all of this without any consequences.

"Louis is a smart guy, he gets what he wants when he wants it. he's been in drive bys, gangs, and he has sold drugs. hes so smart at what he does. and everyone knows it. no one has told anyone, not even faculty because of what he can do. his dad is rich as fuck. and it started with him doing shit from the 70s i don't want to say. but lets just say he's part of a very notorious gang on the other side of town. his dad bails him out everytime because he hasn't done anything to where its broken the schools laws. so he hasn't been getting into trouble. but, behind the scenes he does some crazy shit." she says lighting up a ciggareate, and running her fingers through her multi colored hair. i just nod, listening carefully. wow this guy is dangerous.

"How do you know all of this?"

"When me and louis first started to mess around when were like 18, he told me everything about his past. sure, i was scared as fuck and tooken back but i didn't care because under all of that 'I dont give a fuck, i break the rules' exteriror he shows. he had a good heart. so i didn't judge him." she sighs, looking out the window, sitting standing against the wall and blowing out smoke.


"Want a joint?" she asks casually, I shake my head.

"Jessica, you know i don't smoke." I gasp, she giggles, nodding her head.

"Fair enough, nat. fair enough."

My alarm suddenly beeps and I jump, shit. class starts in 10 minutes and im not even dressed and i haven't showered. "Crap, my art class starts in 10." I didn't even realize how long we had been talking. i run to the bathroom taking my hair out of it's ponytail shaking it out and throwing on a thick headband. I throw off my sweaty, yuck clothes throwing them into the laundry bin. hurrying and grabbing a T-shirt and some ripped jeans i put it on and throw on my black and white converse.

"Oh shit! natalie's late!" jessica jokes, throwing her ciggarate carelessly out the window.

"I know, gosh. i've never been late like ever." I panick trying to find my bag. jessica holds it out for me and i thank her silently, running out of the door.

"Have fun!" she yells out.

"wait, jessica. make sure you lock your door and call me if he comes back." I say looking back. i want to protect her and make sure she's safe even if i im not the toughest cookie in the jar.

she smiles, appreciating my gesture. "I'm okay natalie. now go on babe your going to be late."

- - -

I run to the building across from my dorm running to my art class and trying to pay attention to my phone all at once. i'm not very good at multitasking.


Ok I've got a 5 minutes? I run as fast i can as people stare at me, i don't care. i can't be late.

I finally arrive 2 mins before the bell rings and mentally clap in my head. thank jesus. sitting down im out of breathe, i run my fingerd through my hair tapping my nails on my textbook. my professer, Mr. Walkins walks in casually, waving at the class.

He was a bald, fat guy that look like he was nearing his 60s, your typical college male professer. he had the brightest smile ever. he loved art. and loved teaching it, he has so much enthusiasim and inspires alot of us in creating beautiful work. he's one of my favorite teachers i've had in college so far. "We will be studying various forms of art this semester as you all know.
one in particular. this. this beautiful piece was constructed by sheryl hilson, one of our best art students in the school. everyone give sheryl a hand." he praises her and i feel myself getting alittle jealous, i clap just like everyone else and she smiles. he holds up the painting she drew, it was of the planet she used various of different colored pencils, water colors, and art techniques that were out of this world. she was damn good, I'll give her that. and if you say she wasn't your lying to yourself.

"Thank you everyone for the support. I worked very hard on that piece." she looks around at everyone emphasizing the 'I worked very hard on that piece' I sigh and so do a few other people. she's a a great artist, but very full of herself and im not saying that out of jealousy.

"Thank you sheryl. ok, now, class we have-" A tall blonde woman walks into the room, holding a binder. she gives him a slip and i absent mindly doodle on my notebook.

footsteps creep into the room
at the door and the professer says. "Hello harry, welcome to art. go and have a seat next to-"

I look up. Harry. again. he's wearing the same flannel from earlier, his burnette hair drooping over his eyes, green eyes gleaming and his tounge licks his plump lips as he scans the room looking for a seat. him and I lock eyes and he gives me a small smile. i smile back clicking my feet against eachother.

"Anywhere you want." Mr. Walkins smiles patting harrys shoulder and he nods, walking in my direction. there's a seat right next to me, and harry sits in that one.

"Hey." he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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