Prologue: Part 2 "Forgotten"

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They're attending an Interschool competition for Cheerleading. It's the championship for their school and to defend their school's name as the 3 time National Champion for Cheering she made the vow of being the best Captain her squad ever had. She knew it's not impossible since they are here in the field of Florida State University giving their best routine for the whole Nation to see.

      Her name is Arizona Robbins. So far her squad gave a standing ovation for their 1st routine and made her want to shout in delight. She actually snagged the role of the Captain even though she only stayed at her school in Boston High for one semester. She's in her senior year now. It's a good thing her father, Colonel Daniel Robbins, told their family that they'll be staying for 2 years in that city.

      That's the best news she ever heard from her father cause being a marine kid, they always had to move when her father were deployed to different States.

     She turned to her squad and friends with the biggest grin she could muster.

             "Come on, girls! You earned at least 15 minutes of water break. Go refresh," she shouted enthusiastically.

      Her girls dispersed and gone through their business while she on the other hand felt famish.

      She rummaged inside her bag and came up empty handed. She missed bringing her packed lunchbox. She disappointedly looked around the field and saw the throng of highschool, college students and some random television crew. She looked at the far side of the baseball field. She saw food stalls and walked towards it.

    She saw a nearby Hotdog stand and right away bought one. She finally had her meal and was about to bite her fix.

....thumped.. Her food spilled.

She groaned. There goes her food. She looked down at her uniform. The ketsup goo were staining her top.

"Oh no!" someone cried. "I'm really sorry about this." a small girl with pig tails wearing a red and black band uniform looked up at her. She was in a panic mode. Her lips were trembling like she's about to cry.

"It's okay,kid..." she talked to her. The girl still don't know what to do. "Really. Don't worry about it. I have a spare top" she flashed her dimpled smile. She grinned at the smile that's slowly forming with her cute face. Though her big round brown eyes looked up at her with concerned expression.

"Can... I you?" her soft voice stammered.

She gestured a no to her. Her bouncy blonde curls spilled over. Her pony tail loosened up maybe due to her running. She waved good bye to the girl and completely forgot to buy another hotdog in order to change into clean clothes.

"Hey! Wait up!"

She looked back and was surprised to see the brunette was walking fast towards her.

She stopped. She saw the food the girl brought for her. Her plump cheeks now was pink due to exertion. She find her cuter by the minute.

"Here. You might be hungry." she sheepishly smiled and looked down. Her apparent shyness and nervousness made her look adorable in her eyes.

"Thank you for this err..."

She's about to ask the girls name but someone shouted her name.

"I have to go. Again, thank you for this. Hope to see you around, cute girl." she smiled and wave again.

She turned around and faced her squadmate but something's telling her to looked back to the girl. She whirled around and wasn't able to find the band geek.

"shit.." Her young heart seemed a little down with the fact that the cute girl was gone. She also had no means of knowing her name. She's so stupid to let her get away now.

A/N: haha my start's finish. I hoped you'll have a better understanding why I used this part for their throw back memories. chapter one will be posted soon.. ;)

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