
17 7 3

the rhythm in
the house is palpable,
each person and piece a part
of a well-oiled machine.
since it's monday,
mr. green puts the
play into motion,
getting ready for work
as soon as violet
enters the threshold.
strangely, this thin
man with a hint of stubble
and large framed glasses
is highly disliked
and very distrusted
by most of the community.
he's a defense lawyer,
and a good one at that,
very often winning his cases.
the only downside
is the people he defends
sometimes shouldn't win.
since the age of 7
violet has always
deemed herself a
good judge of
character and in
all the time she's
grown to know
xander's family of 2,
she could never understand
the rumors about them
floating like dust motes,
spinning and hovering
in the air and
settling wherever they please.
xander and mr. green
simply try to brush them
off their shoulders
but every once
in a while
they stick to xander's
clothes where violet
picks them off
and throws them away.

stupid dust.
stupid rumors.

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