17| Which bank are you with?

748 12 19


We went back home and I found a note on the door

"Number 2 done, now give me the money. Also by the way, you just missed Y/N, she ran away to here but you missed her. Shouldn't of gone to in n out, wait she went past there, wish you didn't think it was your imagination now?

End of flashback

Elijah POV
We needed to get this money and fast. The only way we got this house is because when you reach 1M on YouTube you get a lot of money (idk if this is true). So we all said when we all reach 1M we will get a house together and everything. Ugh!

I woke up in the hotel. I thought went to the house? Must of been a dream. Right? Then Jake came in.

Jake: You should never run away like that.

Y/N: What do mean? 

Jake: I went out to the shops, and you ran away. You should really not do that. Now your going to pay.

Y/N: How much do you want? 

Jake: Well that isn't what i meant but 200k and you can go.

Y/N: What currency?

Jake: Any.

Y/N: Have a cheque book?

Jake: I have one for all banks in all countries. Which bank are you with? 


Jake: Here

Jake passed it to me and I filled out my details. Then i passed the cheque book and got up.

Y/N: Well bye.

Jake: Bye

I grabbed my phone and walked out. I started walking back home.

Elijah POV

We were all in the kitchen trying to see how we were going to get this money. Brooklyn and Sub have been hanging out more, which really annoys me. I was day dreaming until the bell rang.

Denis: I'll get it

Denis POV

I went to go get the door and it was Y/N! We both smiled and hugged. I'm guessing we took a while because Sketch came out from the kitchen. 

Sketch POV

I went out to the front door because Denis was taking forever!

What is going to be Sketch's reaction?

But Im Only 13... (sketch x reader)Where stories live. Discover now