Ch. 5 Too High Of Hopes

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Stuck in the dark with my brother
Im just happy we have each other.

Olaf drove down strange alleyways, made obscure phone calls, and shoved us in a cage. I have absolutely no idea where we are. All I know is that Olaf isn't done with us yet. He plans on taking us out of town hidden inside one of the objects at the auction he is hosting. I also know that there is a woman named Esmé helping him accomplish this.

We have been in this cage for days and the only thing we have eaten is a stick of celery each and we both had a water bottle. The only thing to keep us busy is each other, we played a million games of Rock Paper Scissors. Every other hour one of Olaf's associates come and check on us to make sure we are not dead. We try to guilt them into letting us go but it doesn't work. We have tried to escape four times. The fourth time we actually got out of the cage. But we were caught and as punishment, count Olaf brought out a whip like thing and beaten us. One time I thought he was going to beat Duncan to death because when he checked on us he touched me in a way nobody should be touched without consent. Duncan lost it and basically tackled him to the ground and bit him twice after repeatedly hitting him in the face. I screamed and cried as the evil man hurt my brother for protecting me.

We have been trapped for a week and a half and slowly we are loosing our minds and our will to live. Today count Olaf said he wanted to talk to us. Duncan and I were both terrified. He came in and just told us every horrendous thing he has ever done in great detail. From killing people, to raping girls, to child endangerment, fraud, and so much more that is so much worse. The worst part is that he told us this with a smile. He told us these stories like other men his age tell stories to children. Then he went into detail on what he plans to do to us when he captures the Baudelaire orphans and gets us all out of town. I tried to brave by saying,

"We are not afraid of you" I heard him get up he put his hands on the bars of the cage and whispered,

"Well you should be and trust me when I say you will be when I'm done with you." Then he sauntered out of the area. As soon as I knew he was gone I fell to my knees and bawled. All I can hope for now is that Violet, Klaus, and Sunny are ok, I just want to know our efforts weren't for nothing.


The next day we heard banging from above us, we even saw a little bit of light. Not knowing who or what it could be, my triplet and I cowered in a cage not making a sound. Then I saw them, and I heard their voices. I jumped up to my feet and and grabbed the warm familiar hands of Klaus Baudelaire.

"Isadora, Duncan!" He cried Violet and Sunny soon joined our get together. " are you guys ok?" Klaus asked.

"I've been better" Duncan said.

"How did you find us?" I questioned.

They explained how there was two elevator doors on the top floor but only one on the others. They also mentioned how other people sparked their idea. I wasn't listening. I just needed to get out. Violet fiddled with the lock for a while and wasn't able to do it. "Guys you should know that count Olaf plans on sneaking us out of town by hiding us in one of the objects he selling at the auction." They shared a worried look "We don't know what object it is. All we know is that if you guys don't get us out in time make sure to keep an eye out for something he could trap us in."

Even in the darkness of the elevator shaft I knew Violet was tying her hair up with a ribbon. She asked me for my half of the spyglass. I handed it to her and heard a satisfying click. She fiddled with it for a while until it lit up like a flash light. "I'm going to need more tools to unlock this," She turned towards us apologetically "we will come back to you guys as soon as possible ok? I'm so sorry" We nodded. We trusted them.

They started to climb the makeshift rope Violet made with ties, bedsheets, and table clothes. We watched as they got to the small square of light at the top of the shaft. Then they closed the elevator doors and it was completely dark once again.


The next morning Olaf came in to check on us he said, "finally it took them long enough to find you, I mean baldy over here basically told them where you were and they still needed a day to find you!" Duncan and I looked at each other. He knows. We won't be able to escape now. Seems like this was apart of count Olaf's plan.

Even though our situation is horrendous, I don't regret helping the Baudelaires. I still hope that they will save us. I hope Olaf will go to jail and never see the light of day. I want him to feel at least a fraction of the fear I feel right now. I fiddled with the silver pin resembling an eye and tried to clear my head. But Olaf was making it very hard to do it.

"Here" he tossed us our journals, why I don't know but we have something to do I guess. Then while we were obsessing over our journals I was once again thrown over the big bald man's shoulder. Duncan was being held by a person neither a man or a woman. That's ok. Whatever makes them happy. But I saw the two old white faced woman climb up to the middle of the shaft to secure a fishing net. What is Olaf planning now. But before I could think to much about it my hands and feet were tied together and I was gagged. Duncan was facing the same problem. The two accomplices put us in a giant salmon statue I was put in the actual salmon and Duncan was shoved into the blue base. How delightful.


We were being rolled around in the salmon. I could hear bids for us but in the end we were going to be captured by Olaf so one of his accomplices must of bided for us for him. We were being rolled out of the room and I tried to listen for any sign of the Baudelaires. I heard the sound of an old couple chatting about what was in. I heard someone walk in with the name Yessica Haircut, and I heard the sound of a man coughing historically but no Klaus, no Violet, and no Sunny. I really am giving up on them now. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Why am I so dumb?

In a salmon we are trapped,
How will I get my dignity back?

Thanks for reading! This wasn't my favorite chapter to write you can probably tell with how poorly written this chapter is. Make sure to vote, comment and share!

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