Ch. 7 Airborne

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Silent tears run down my face
For the friends I can't replace

I continued to silently cry through out the night when Duncan decided to greet the man who saved us and is now giving a home to us. A self sustaining flying mobile home. It's grand. But we shouldn't be here with Hector. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny deserved this escape more than us. I appreciated that Hector didn't ask me too many questions seeing me clearly falling apart. He and Duncan made small talk and I just stared out into the lilac sky in front of us. The sun has set and night would be here shortly.

"Is there a place where we can sleep Hector?" Duncan asked politely. He nodded and led us to two rooms one was a small purply room with lavender bed spreads and pillows. The other room was a bit bigger with a maroon theme to it. It was clear that these two rooms were originally for Violet in Klaus. The maroon one had tons of books on huge bookshelves. Violets room was not only violet but inside it had a desk with tools on it. I wanted to go to the maroon one, Klaus room. For some reason I knew that Duncan was thinking the same thing as me and went towards Violets room.

I sat on the soft bed. It was very comfy, I looked up at the now starry sky. It was hard to believe that we would be done with our trouble.  I laid down and took a shaky breath as silent tears ran down my face once more. Violet was like the older sister I always wanted, Sunny was so innocent and cute but clever just like her siblings, and Klaus, oh Klaus, he was amazing and the more I think about him, the more I realize that he was way more than just a friend. But due to recent events, he will never know that, and I'll never get to tell them.

The Baudelaire children were as good as dead at this point. When we were flying away they were stuck on the truck with a mob that consisted of Olaf and his goonies, and a bunch of V.F.D. Citizens. Unless they were clever enough to get away, which I wouldn't be too shocked if they did, they are most likely dead. They could be dead after all they've been through to find us then they risked their lives once again to ensure our safety. I would trade places with them in a heart beat. Thinking about this I found myself drifting off into a deep slumber, I really hope tomorrow is better.


I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon and wonder over to where the aroma was coming from. I saw Duncan in a pair of red PJ's .

"Where did you get pajamas from?" I asked.

"Oh from the closet in your room, you fell asleep immediately." Maybe we should switch around the wardrobe in our rooms. I'm betting that each room both had clothes corresponding to the person the room was initially for. Makes sense. We will have to do that after we eat breakfast.

I helped myself to some scrambled eggs and bacon. I sat next to my triplet and decided it was time to officially introduce myself to our guardian? Pilot? Captain? I don't know.

"Hello Hector I'm Isadora Quagmire, I'm so sorry for my inability to speak without sobbing yesterday. I was just shocked that after all our friends went through to help us, we couldn't help them." He nodded like he understood what we were feeling, like he has been through a similar experience.

We chatted for a good hour before Hector said he would need help monitoring the home. Duncan and I started cleaning the kitchen. When cleaning I found a sticky note stuck on the side of the fridge. It was a note written by Violet Baudelaire.

When the engine acts up just put a little olive oil on the longest chain


Chains? Engine? I didn't see anything that even remotely resembled a engine. So I asked Hector, he showed me the engine room. Is was underneath the rest of the house. I don't know much about machines but I didn't think that they were as big as the one I was standing in. The room had huge gears, chains, ropes, springs, and many other parts that I didn't think belonged in engines.

For lunch today we had turkey sandwiches, I thought that it would be a normal lunch, but no. Suddenly we started to drop. Hector sprinted to the engine, I grabbed the olive oil and followed him. He was frantically looking for the problem. I searched for the longest chain, I found it behind two giant gears. I unscrewed the lid of the oil and splashed a good amount in the chain. Everything slowed down, and we were flying again. That was a close one. I have a feeling that isn't the last time we have engine trouble so I set the olive oil next to the chain. I started to wonder what would've happened if I didn't have Violet's note. Even in death, Violet saved our lives. I wish that day in the village we could've saved theirs.

It's my fault our friends are dead
I wish it was me instead


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