Ch.9 Inevitable

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How the hell did I survive
From the fall I should've died

I was screaming at the top of my lungs, not like that's going to do anything to stop death that was creeping up on me. I hit the water hard  but to my surprise I didn't die. Falling from that height onto water would be like falling onto concrete. But I was still alive.

"DUNCAN!" I bellowed looking for my triplet. Something grabbed my ankle and pulled me under the water. I thrashed and kicked trying to make whatever is holding me release. Their grip loosened up and I seized the opportunity and shot out of the water.  When I felt like I was at a safe enough distance I turned to see what grabbed me. Big mistake. A monster was throwing parts of the mobile home around and I saw that there were more people in the sea than just Duncan and I. Duncan swam closer to me, at least he is ok.

"VIOLET!" Said a voice. This voice was familiar this voice was one of the three voices that haunt my dreams. Duncan and I shared a look and we knew we were thinking the same thing. Quigley. He is in trouble right now. Without a plan I swam all the way to where I heard the voice. Then I was pulled under. I saw him. Quigley we made eye contact and embraced soon Duncan joined the hug. But it was cut short. We were running out of time. The huge mass of a monster turned to us and before I knew it massive teeth were coming at me. We all screamed knowing it was pointless. We thought that it would be ok if we died now because we would be dying together, we were born together and now we were dying together. Growing up I always wondered what it would be like if one of my brothers died before me. I was always sad. But now looks like I will never find out. Because the massive monster with scary glowing eyes and billions of giant sharp teeth was right behind us. Then it attacked, and the darkness took over.

There will be one more chapter, it is pretty short but I wanted one chapter for this  plot point. Thanks for reading. Make sure to vote,comment, and share!

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Awkward- and Isadora Quagmire fan fiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now