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~8:55 ᴘ.ᴍ~

John had finally finished setting up his new room in Manhattan, New York. He sighed contently, and flopped backwards onto his bed, his deep brown curls exploding in every direction. He rolled his eyes. "There goes another one.." he mumbled as he searched for the snapped hair-tie. "That's the third one this week!" He whisper-yelled in frustration. He picked up the hair-tie, tossing it into the trash can. John got a small notepad from his backpack that he'd prepared for school, and scribbled down 'Hair-ties' in a loopy cursive. He tossed the notepad on his bed, pulling a blue hair-tie from off of his wrist, and securing his fluffy mane.

"John, dinner time!" A feminine voice yelled. His mother, Eleanor Laurens. "Coming Mom!" John yelled back, taking off his light jacket, and tossed it beside the notepad.

He ran downstairs, and into the kitchen where the rest of his parents were. "Hey Mom, hey Dad," he said, taking a seat in front of his plate. "Hey, son!" His dad, Henry Laurens, exclaimed. "Hello, dear, we're having spaghetti this evening!" His mother said, taking a seat at the table. "Thanks Mom," John said, twirling his fork around the small angel hair noodles. His mother hummed in response.

"So, are you excited about attending about attending your new school tomorrow?" Henry asked, glancing at his son. "Yep! I can't wait to see Angelica again! I'm so excited!!" John exclaimed, smiling brightly. Eleanor and Henry glanced at each other. "Are you sure she'll recognize you? You haven't seen her in years.." Eleanor said, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh, I'm sure she will! We see the bestest of friends!" John smiled, taking another small bite of pasta. He contemplated their words. Did they not want him to be friends with Angelica? "Alright, dear. If you're sure.." Eleanor nodded to her son.

John finished up his dinner, placing the dishes in the sink. "Thanks again, Mom." He said before making his way back up the stairs. "You're welcome!" She shouted as he closed the door to his room.

He stared up at the stars above him, sighing. It felt like one of those scenes in a Disney movie where the character would stare at the stars and sing a beautiful song. John adored the movie Tangled. It was his favorite so far. He looked over to see a boy around his age, hunched over a desk. His shoulder lengthed hair covering most of his facial features. John tilted his head, staring at the boy. Was he asleep? The boy looked up, taking a sip of whatever was in the mug he was handling. No, he was awake.

John decided not to question it, and get some well deserved rest. He closed the curtains to the window and pulled on his pajamas, aka gym shorts, and a comfortable T-shirt. John inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of his new house. Lemons, and ginger. Probably the cleaning agent the pervious house owners used. It smelled quite nice to John. He took off his glasses, setting them down on hi night stand, and cuddled into his blanket as he slipped in and out of consciousness, slowly into a lifeless void.

~6:35 ᴀ.ᴍ~

John's eyes fluttered open, reavealing an unfamiliar room, with an unfamiliar smell. He blinked and sat up, processing it. He then remembered the move. Of course. He rubbed his eyes gently and yawned before getting out of his bed.

He reached for his forest green glasses, and set them on the bridge of his nose, the world around him more clear. He sighed contently and pawed through his new dresser, trying to find an outfit to wear.

He decided on a Pansexual flag T-shirt, with a a dark green jacket the matched his glasses. He slid on some dark wash blue jeans, and pulled on his white converse. He fixed his hair, leaving it in a pony tail. He figured that he was done getting ready after brushing his teeth, and reapplying his vanilla-scented deodorant.

He raced downstairs to see if his parents were awake yet. "Good morning, Jacky," a tired voice called from the kitchen. "Hey, Mom." John said, blinking. "What's for breakfast?" He asked, taking a seat at the table. "Well, you're nearly late, so I'll just fix some frozen waffles. What flavor do you want?" She asked, opening the freezer. "Hmm.. Chocolate chip, please." John smiled. Eleanor nodded, and placed two waffles in the toaster, then got out a small plate. John got up quickly and ran to the fridge, getting out some maple syrup. He then sat back down at the table.

Ding! Went the toaster, followed by Eleanor quickly picking them out, and placing them on the plate. "Here you go!" She exclaimed, handing the plate to John. "Thanks!" John smiled, cutting a piece off of a waffle. "No problem! Now hurry up before you're late!" She said, dusting her hands off. John chuckled.

"Would you like me to drive you to school, son?" Eleanor asked. "No, I can walk there. It's not that far." John said, rinsing off his dish. "Alright then," his mother mumbled, reading a magazine. In al honesty, John just didn't want to be embarrassed by his mother. Of course, he loved her dearly, but she would tend to share 'secrets' that weren't suppose to be reavealed.

John quickly tossed his bag over his shoulder, and made his way down the sidewalk to the high school. Manhattan Bridges High School, or MBHS for short, was a highly rated high school in the city. Many parents, and other guardians sent their children there. Angelica and her sisters just happened to be three of those students.

John was fairly excited to be able to see Angelica again. These past few years without her were lonely, seeing as he didn't really have any other friends. He and Angelica shared many secrets when they were younger, including their sexualities. John knew that Angelica was never really in to love, and he didn't blame her one bit. Angelica had told him that she was scared of falling in love, for she'd never be able to get out of it. Like a hole. John, on the other hand, longed for someone to love, and hold. He wished that he could tell someone he loved them, other than family, that is.

As John gained up on the huge building, students buzzed around like bees, talking loudly, and pushing past other students. As the huge crowd slowly died down, John made his way into the school, gawking at the number of students in the halls. His last school was nowhere as large as this one.

"You might wanna close your mouth before you, how you say, attract flies," a thick french voice playfully teased. John turned his head toward the voice to reveal a very handsome young man. His skin was lightly tanned, his eyes a creamy caramel color. His hair was pulled into a neat bun, small strands sticking out here and there. John chuckled and smiled slightly at the boy as he walked closer. "Je'Mappel Lafayette!" He said, sticking his and hold to shake. John took Lafayettes hand and shook it gently, "John Laurens," Lafayette grinned.

"Laf! There you are!" A masculine voice yelled from afar. John turned his head yet again to be met with a masculine boy. He had a nice olive complexion, paired with deep brown eyes, and short curly hair. He had a Bisexual flag bandana wrapped around his forehead. John thought it wasn't good to know that there were other people like him. Being LGBTQ+ that is.

"Hercules, Mon Ami!" Laf yelled over the loud students, and ran over to 'Hercules' embracing him in a big hug. "Aww!" I gushed, making the pair blush slightly. "Who's this?" Hercules asked, setting Lafayette down. "Hi! I'm John Laurens," I said, smiling lightly. He grinned, "Hercules Mulligan!" He said, holding his fist out. I fist bumped him and chuckled with him. "Nice to meet you, dude!" He said. He was cool.

Suddenly, a tall girl with chocolate curls, and cunning brown eyes strutted down the hall, two younger girls following suit. Johns eyes widened in realization. It was Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy! He smiled widely, nearly crying at the sight of them.

He started walking in their direction as some people moved back. "John! What are you doing?!" Lafayette asked in a whisper-yell furrowing his eyebrows. "I haven't seen Angelica in years! I have to say hi!" John exclaimed quietly back at him, a large smile on his face. Lafayette looked surprised, while Hercules just stared nervously, shaking his head. John turned around and walked over to them, Angelica stopping in her tracks. "Hey Angie!" He said, waving lightly. Eliza almost bumped into Angelica, while Peggy just stared. "Um, who are you?" Angelica said with a disgusted look.

"It's me, John! Don't you remember me?" John asked sadly.

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