Act One - Regnum Noctis

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[Darkness presides in the corners of the mind, an omnipresent form guiding ones hand through the light. In death, light departs, leaving only the shadows circling like vultures overhead.]

With glimpses of stardust hanging overhead, her gaze traversed outwards to the span of ocean that lay before her eyes. The dreams of a world long since passed danced in her mind, reminding her without end of the joys that life had brought her long, long ago.

Now, the acrid taint of chemicals stained her fingers, altered her senses to such an extent that the natural world felt horribly alien to her. The glistening stars overhead reflecting in the lapping waves against the beach was her only solace, her only reprieve from a world she could scarcely comprehend anymore.

Where in this shallow world guided by the principle of Heroes and Villains could one such as her exist? A broken soul so misplaced, she didn't even know who she was anymore.

Symphonic tones of reed flutes and violins a plenty rung through headphones pressed over her ears, matching with the beauty of peace and tranquility before her, and yet, it did not extend to her eyes, or her heart.

As the blood slowly seeped from the palms of her hands to stain the sandy ground beneath her, her only prayer to the lone star that fell was the wish that, even as twisted and broken she was, that her soul could be saved before the darkness consumed it.

i) Bestia Umbra [Beast Shadow] 2910 words total

ii) Rancor Ignota [Unfamiliar Spite] 3249 words total

iii) Opera Sanguis [Blood Works] 3549 words total

iv) Fissum [Fissure] 2637 words total

v) Repudium [Rejection] 4102 words total

vi) Mors Spiralis [Death Spiral] 3321 words total

vii) Indutias Relaxantur [Reprieve] 3090 words total

Regnum Noctis, complete unedited as of July 24th 2018

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