ii) Aequo Amino

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CHAOS IN ITS GREATEST FORM WAS THE ASSAILANT OF HER THOUGHTS. And being in a classroom where chaos ran absolute was worse than having to sit quietly in a classroom with catty, unpleasant children who'd sooner frame her as being a villain than actually stand to follow reason.

As soon as Zinnia had greeted the class, an uproar of voices rung through the room, from people who Zinnia hadn't expected to react. A pink-skinned alienesque girl had practically squealed out her gushing greetings, a tiny purple haired boy gawked openly at her, a girl in the back of the classroom with brunette bob-cut hair waved erratically at her, and Kaminari of all people shouted out a familiar greeting to her, which had drawn the immediate attention of everyone in the room.

Aizawa however, had cut them all short with a snap, and sent Zinnia to take her place at her designated seat, a lone desk and chair in the very back of the room behind everyone else, where her nearest neighbour was the brunette girl right in front of her, and the back door of the classroom was right behind her.

Zinnia felt like she was placed at the door on purpose, in case she needed to slip out of the room in a hurry. Either which way, she was actually grateful if that was the intention.

First class was English of all things, which Zinnia discovered when Aizawa disappeared out the door once everyone was settled in, and who she soon realized was Present Mic came strutting inside with a huge, obnoxious grin. She vaguely recognized him from the Entrance Exam introduction, and that was only because of the obnoxious way he seemed to shriek every second word, as if he was certain nobody could hear just how enthusiastic he was unless he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Thankfully, she was seldom even glanced at by the teacher, and the class continued without demanding any input from her.

However, by the time intermission had come around, Zinnia found her desk surrounded by students before she could so much as put her notebook away. A good half of the class had sprung out of their chairs to approach her, intrigue written as clear as day across their faces, except for perhaps the face of the invisible girl.

'Hey hey! Welcome to class 1-A!' The pink-featured, alienesque girl greeted with a bright grin and a rather flamboyant wave of her arms from among the sea of faces, with her energetic voice piercing effortlessly through the other voices that greeted her just the same.

'It's a pleasure to meet you.' A tall, ponytailed girl announced formally.

'I'm Uraraka Ochaco!' The brunette who sat at the desk before Zinnia's introduced herself. 'It's so cool that we've got another girl in class!'

'I know, right!?' The pinkette cheered.

'Everyone! We must all introduce ourselves in seat-order, and in single-file!' A tall and bespectacled male commanded as he approached from the front of the classroom, exhibiting what looked like some extremely bizarre chopping motions with one arm. 'Let's not confuse our new classmate by overwhelming her with confusing introductions!'

'Okaaay...' A couple of the girls groaned, the pinkette and presumably... the invisible one?

'Come on, Class Rep. Where's the fun in that?' A black haired male with remarkably broad elbows commented with a wry smile.

However, in spite of the fact that there was a small disagreement taking place around Zinnia's desk, the tiny girl found herself realizing she had actually seen that strict, bespectacled male before.

The one that interrupted the explanation at the entrance exam, who even went out of his way to call out a student in the crowd and shame them at the same time.

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