Corrosion Episode 10

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A boost!  Since finals is around the corner!

J-Hope and rocketed over the railing and lifted Karen onto the stretcher himself, but he was shocked when her nails clutched his shirt roughly, as she pulled herself up to rest on her elbows. "WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING THAT TEN-YEAR-OLD BOY? I SAW IT ON THE PROCESSED FIGHTS, YOU'LL KILL HIM!" Karen growled, her nails beginning to pierce through the fabric and through his skin. J-Hope didn't flinch.

"To get him out of here. That boy won't last till the Championship. I've seen that boy's condition and he might not even last today," J-Hope replied, pulling her fist from his clothes as the people holding the stretchers began to walk out of the arena.

Karen sat on her bed, staring at her bandaged wounds. She had a broken nose, a few minor scratches and a sewed up hole in her right thigh. However, she wasn't thinking about her wounds at the moment. She was thinking of the rest of the people who still had to fight and Kendall. Would she be punished for not winning? Karen sighed, grabbing her pillow and shoving her face into it. She was sent home early, so she couldn't see the fight between the young boy and J-Hope. She hoped he didn't hurt the boy. The entirety of the day, J-Hope seemed off. He seemed dead. A different person, cold, wishing he could block the pain of everyone by taking the pain in himself.

J-Hope didn't even move. He stood in front of the little boy, who still had Karen's jacket on. The light in the boy's eyes seemed so dim, they would blow out if someone whispered. The crowd was silent. "These imbeciles, allowing people to fight this boy when he went through torture this morning," J-Hope thought as he watched the boy. The boy's eyes lifted to meet J-Hope's. It seemed like a bright light flashed in the boy's eyes as if it was his last hope to reach freedom. Just as quickly, the boy's eyes hazed over with gray, and he toppled to the floor. J-Hope bolted forward, tenderly catching his body, "It's okay. You are safe now. I've got you. Just rest," he whispered lightly in the boy's ear.

After cleaning himself up, J-Hope walked to Karen's house. Susana quietly lets him in, so they didn't disturb Karen if she happened to be sleeping. He knew she was worried, so he opened the door to check on her. The second the hinges squeaked open, Karen rolled off of her bed, but J-Hope picked her back up and sat her down on the edge. "Ask away," he consented, knowing she was full of questions.

"Is he alive?" she asked, looking behind him.

"He's alive. He's at my house resting," he assured Karen. J-Hope had successfully bought the ten-year-old boy, Jared.

"I don't understand why I'm here. I was doing just fine as a Gladiator. I could be in there right now helping people like him escape-"

"I need you because you hold the same values as I do. If I had someone else, they would either not care, because they were already free, or they would go overboard from instinct. You are the only person who doesn't purposely kill other Gladiators. The only one I can trust," J-Hope reasoned.

"But you could have used the money to buy other people who need more help than me. I don't want to be in so much comfort when they're still in that hell," she whimpered, the tears beginning to well up again.

J-Hope held both of her hands in his as he kneeled down to her level, "Don't blame yourself. You are doing the best you can to help them. Everyone will get their chance to live free lives away from that hell. Our plan isn't going to fail," he said comfortingly, as her head came to rest on his shoulder, letting all her emotions that day out, in form of tears.

Corrosion || BTS Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora