Corrosion Episode 11

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Karen sat down at the top of the stairs, smiling like an idiot for what she was about to do. She looked around the house to make sure J-Hope wasn't watching as she pushed herself down the stairs, her rear end bouncing down the stairs until she reached the bottom. "Hah! Who needs to take ten minutes walking down the stairs!" She quietly shouted, doing a fist bump in the air, spinning around to go into the breakfast room. As she turned, she noticed J-Hope leaning against the frame of the door, an eyebrow raised, half smirking half laughing at her. He stared at her until she covered her face and hobbled behind a chair to hide. J-Hope finally lets out an audible chuckle before walking back to the table to set up for breakfast.

"Where's the kid?" Karen asked, munching on coleslaw.

"I'll bring him over now. Stay seated," he ordered, walking towards the door.

"But what about practice?" she inquired, trying to get up again.

J-Hope whirled around, "You got stabbed in the leg, and you're asking about work out? You aren't working out until you can walk properly. So get well fast, so you can fight well, so I don't have to worry about you when the Championships come along."

Karen abruptly sat down until he left, "he'll be gone for at least twenty minutes, ICE CREAM TIME!" she screamed, doing forward rolling towards the freezer.

"KAREN!!! SIT DOWN, AND NO ICE CREAM! For the sake of your poor leg, eat healthily," Susana scolded, pushing the freezer door shut, earning a heartbreaking pout from the latter.

Karen didn't move as he eyes followed J-Hope, putting away the board game he had found in the closet. She felt as if she hadn't moved from her seat for at least three hours. The little boy was still very weak, but he had a slight smile on his lips as he came to recognize the trust between J-Hope and Karen was one he could trust as well. Since he was still very weak, he drifted off to sleep randomly, but that didn't bother the two adults.

"Can I go for a walk, please?" Karen asked for the hundredth time.

"Only if you wear crutches, and walk with me," J-Hope finally consented.

"Yes!" she whispered shouted, pushing herself up as J-Hope gave her the crutches.

"Susana, please watch Jared while we're out," J-Hope politely asked as he walked out of the front door.

They began their walk to the neighborhood lake, knowing the kid would sleep for a while. J-Hope was closest to the road, on the left, as he kept slow pace with Karen, watching her struggle from the corner of his eye, knowing she wanted to do this herself. "Jared seems to be healing rapidly. He's getting used to us in the past few days. We can send him to his parents soon, right?" Karen asked out of the blue.

J-Hope hummed in response, smiling happily. As the sun began to set, they were walking towards two men walking quickly with hoodies over their head. Karen wasn't paying attention as she was still figuring out how to use her uncomfortable crutches, only to find out that there really wasn't a pleasant way.

"Hey man, you got anything on you? My man and I need money to get to a funeral. Our friend just passed away, and we really need-"

"Sorry, I don't have anything. My condolences," J-Hope replied coldly, stepping slightly ahead of Karen, placing an arm in front of her, so the two men couldn't get to her.

"Come on. Man, don't be like that, we're just trying to get to our friend's funeral!" The first guy whined before making a burst sprint towards Karen. J-Hope placed his other hand out to keep the man at an arm's length. He kicked the first guy in the chest, sending him flying back. The next guy threw J-Hope a powerful side punch. J-Hope slid up to the arm, blocking the punch at the joint of the elbow. He then gave the man a taste of his own massive blow, breaking the man's jaw.

The first guy came again, but J-Hope jumped in front of Karen, grabbing the man's shoulder, and kicking the side of the man's kneecap. He roughly threw him into the second guy, tangling them up. He then looked back at Karen, "are you okay?" he asked, walking up to her, examining her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is it okay to leave them like this?" She asked as he took her crutches and offered his back for a piggyback ride.

"Yeah, they'll be okay. They know they'll be late for their friend's funeral, so they're be running in no time," he remarked, walking back to the house, to be there when the kid woke up.

Corrosion || BTS Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) ✓Where stories live. Discover now