Corrosion Episode 15

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         Karen stepped back in surprise when she saw his tears. He began to chuckle, holding a hand over his mouth before he began to burst out laughing. "Hahaha, you wanna know? He killed the closest person to him," his face then turned deadly serious after his crazy laughs, "And he killed me." He turned so he faced her. 

         His entire body burned with anger. He lunged at her, grabbing her hair, pulling it back, so she hit the tree behind her. "I wasn't going to kill you yet," he growled through gritted teeth, "I wanted to do it in front of him, but you just can't keep your stupid mouth shut!" He shouted, startling the others at the park.  Ironfist wrapped his large hands around her neck, squeezing as he began to hysterically laugh again. 

      Karen tried to reach Ironfist's face, but her arms were significantly shorter than Ironfist's. She tried kicking him, but he picked her off of the ground by her neck, shaking her violently as he choked her. She felt the life seeping out her of her. "I'm going to die to a psycho!" Her mind shouted. Her life began flashing before her eyes:

         Karen sat swinging her legs back and forth on the rickety bed. Today was her sixteenth birthday, but everything was broken around her. Her life had been stolen and burnt at the stake. She jerked her head to look at a teenager, who had just burst into her room, "Hurry! If you want to get out of here, follow me!" he said.  Karen hesitated, the punishment for trying to leave meant extreme torture. She had been so fed up with pain, she wasn't sure if she could undergo anymore. 

      The boy looked out into the hall, seeing no one, he jogged up to her tugging at her arms, to her surprise. She pushed him away, shocked. "Don't worry. We'll get out. I've helped people get out before," he encouraged, smiling brightly. 

     Karen's eyes widened. This boy, who was in front of her, was the Bright Savior? The Bright Savior was rumored to be an energetic and happy man or angel, who swept people from their captivity in the Underground prisons, defying all of the security with ease. Karen had great respect for whoever the person was. She wanted to be like him, to help people. If this boy really was the Bright Savior she should trust him, but it could also be a lie, to eliminate her from the fighting roster. Those who try to run away are punished severely, which would mean she would most likely die since they don't feed those who don't fight. 

      The smiling boy pulled her hands towards him again. Mesmerized, her legs obediently followed his movements as he sprinted out of the room and back into the hallway. "What's your name?" he asked, pulling her back, as she almost skidded into a hallway of guards.

"Karen," she huffed back.

"That's a cool name," he complimented, pulling her into an empty room as guards ran by, shouting at each other.

"Thanks, it means pure or innocent," she explained as she was guided back out into the long hallway of the greystone building.

The boy patted her head, "It's a lovely name," he smiled. They joined another group of people, all seeming like they're trying to make it out of the building.

Another boy seeming to lead the pack. "Hoseok!" A girl hissed happily, enveloping Karen's guide with a hug.

"Hey, beautiful," Hoseok replied, holding her close.

"You know each other?" the other boy asked, punching Hoseok lightly on the arm, teasingly.

"Shut up, Clayton," Hoseok replied, "Is Lincoln waiting for us outside the window?" he asked the girl, still standing in his arms. She nodded. "Okay, I'll take the left side, Clayton, you take right, they shouldn't be able to catch us once-" the lights powered out, "once that happens. Go!" 

      Karen stumbled in the darkness and everyone held each other's hands, running as best they could through the dark building. It all happened too fast. Hoseok let her hand go, shouting, "Dawon! Get everyone out of here!" However, the other hand let go of her too, and she was left standing in the middle of the hallway, reaching helplessly out into the darkness, with no one guiding her. 

    She pressed herself against the wall, trying to navigate as best she could pass the guards who were just as confused. She found an empty room and shut the door again. Seconds later the lights came back online, she looked around and noticed she was in her own room. 

      After a few hours of wondering if anyone else made it out with the escape plan, she heard loud screams of, "LET HER GO! YOU MONSTERS! I'LL MURDER YOU! I'LL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB AND WATCH YOU DROWN IN YOUR OWN BLOOD IF YOU DON'T LET HER GO!!!" Karen flinched, pulling her knees close to her chest, scared. After a while, the screams stopped. The next thing she heard was the sound of snapping whips, but there was no cry of pain.

     Karen woke up hearing a scuffle outside, but it soon died down. In the morning, it was announced that the Bright Savior had been caught last night and scourged to death, to Karen's horror.

    J-Hope bolted into the almost empty park. The few people left were hiding and recording the murder attempt. J-Hope spotted Ironfist strangling Karen. He sprinted up, harshly burring his elbow into Ironfist's ribcage, making him drop Karen.

     Ironfist threw him a side punch, but J-Hope used his arm to block it and smack Clay's jaw with his own. "You've grown rusty, Clay," he mocked.

"You have no right to call me that you liar! Leaving me there with all those people to die. Running off without me. I'm glad that woman died!" Ironfist screamed back.

"You've turned into such a terrible person, Clayton," J-Hope hissed catching Clay's fist and pulling him close while kneeing his face. Clay fell backward but caught J-Hope's shoulder for balance. Clay sent a quick deadly punch at J-Hope's face.

       J-Hope couldn't pull back fast enough, so he turned his head sideways so that the hard punch landed on his right shoulder. J-Hope pulled away from Ironfist's gasp, jumping onto a table and flipped into the air. J-Hope twisted mid-air, so his body was facing the ground as he grabbed Clay's hair, using gravity to his advantage as he fell, yanking Ironfist's head down with him. J-Hope forcefully slammed Clay's head on the table he had just jumped off of. J-Hope landed elegantly on the ground on the other side of the table.

   Clay laid unconscious on the ground with a disfigured face, as J-Hope lifted Karen into his arms. "Geez, girl. I hate worrying about you so much," he muttered, pushing away the hair from her face.

Corrosion || BTS Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) ✓Where stories live. Discover now