Mettaton Pops In Interuppting My Very Deep Thoughts... Goddangit Glitter Legs

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(Trigger warnings- this might not all be completely realistic. Please don't hate me. I'm a kid who never updates my fanfictions but I'll try to update this one more often, THIS IS SHORT AS ALL HECK)

The last few days have been a blur. I was at the doctors office at some point and then I was talking with a lady from CPS. There is a court case or something. Toriel has told me not to worry, and that everything is going to be alright. My back will be healed in a few days. Apparently I heal very fast.

I've slept through a lot of it, really. Apparently I have an eating disorder that isn't my fault. My audition has been postponed for obvious reasons. I'm staying with the dreemur's currently.

Chara is kind enough to share her room with me. I could have slept on the living room couch but i'd rather not be alone. I get night terrors. She even gave me some chocolate. We got my old clothes and my phone and things back from the police. I'm not in so much pain anymore and I've gained a bit of weight. My ribs are still sticking out but not as much.

Papyrus stops in almost daily to check on me and bring me spaghetti. I'll admit I don't eat it all because according to Sans that stuff is poison if you eat too much, no matter how good it is. We play lots of board games and card games. I'm grateful for his company because Frisk, Chara, and Asriel go to Mettaton's studio to dance often.

I don't blame them though. We're teenagers, it's hard to sit still and stay in the house. especially in times like this.

Toriel is like a mom to me. Her and Mr. Asgore are handling all this. For no reason other than they care about me. Is this what a family is like?

The current situation isn't great but it was amazing at the same time. I was skinny and in pain but I was happy.

I sat here, mulling over my thoughts in Chara's room. Fine, i was playing on my phone. But still. I heard the doorbell ring. I thought it was papyrus, so I ran downstairs as fast as my back would allow, and found Toriel already opened the door. It was Mettaton.

They walked in flamboyantly, a trail of glitter following them each step they took.

"Hello Darlings!" Mettaton greeted with their bouncy voice. "Mettatooooonnnn!" I half yelled, half sang, as I ran toward them.

"Y/n Darling!" They said when they saw me.   Well more like heard me. "How are you? Are you healing fine?" "Yup!" I said, accidentally popping the p. I hate when people pop the p excessively. Well crap.

"Anyway I just thought I would stop by on my way to work and see how things are going." Mettaton said to nobody in particular or possibly everyone.

"Ooh what are you doing today?" Toriel asked. I was curious too. On Mettaton's tv show they seemed to do a different weird thing every day. It was live most of the time so it was completely unedited which is really funny. Sadly it only runs in the summer and on weekends because Mettaton has to go to school.

"Oh today I'm having Papyrus and Undyne come on with me so we can play a cooking game. " They said exitedly. "Oh? How nice." Toriel said.

"Anyway! I've got to be off!" Mettaton bounced out the door as quick as they came and in no particular direction sparkled themselves back into their limo.

Toriel smiled at me. "We should change your bandages." She said. I nodded and we went to get fresh ones.


I AM SO SORRY OH MY GOD I NEVER UPDATE THIS AND THIS IS SO SHOORRRTTTTT anyway I'll be doing shorter chapters like this from now on and I promise I'll update this once a week. Like I'm setting a thing on my calendar.


Thank you for sticking with me through my hiatus. I'll see y'all soon!

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