Bucky Barnes Shorts

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NOTE: same background as the Tony Stark short, FYI. Electricity, assassin, yada yada.


The smacking of skin on punching bag was nice for the anger boiling inside me. I can't believe Steve said I couldn't go on that mission. And Tony too? I hit the punching bag with every enraging word.
"Every," Smack "One," Smack "Agreed," Smack "With," Smack "Him." I growl, hitting the punching bag so hard that it rips off the wooden bar that its attached to. It flies across the training centre, smashing a table and settling beside the four other red bags I had already demolished off the ceiling.
"You know, if it helps, they didn't let me go either." Bucky calls from across the room. I take him in as he walks towards me, towel slung over one shirtless shoulder, metal arm gleaming. When he reaches me, I poke the arm.
"You know Barnes, it kind of does." I teased. He grins at me, and nods his head towards the boxing ring.
"Wanna spar? It might help you get that anger out better than those punching bags."
"Sure," I smile back. "You know Buck, I bet I could beat you, even with that metal arm." He steps into the ring, offering me a hand up. I decline it with a glare and he backs off defensively. I duck into the ring myself and he crosses his arms in front of me and with his stance widened to shoulder width.
"You really think so huh?" Bucky asks.
"Yes I do, James Buchanan Barnes." I jut out my chin in challenge.
"Wanna put a little wager on it, (y/f/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n)?" I nod.
"Only because I know I'll win." I say, sticking my tongue out at him, earning a chuckle.
"Alright, (y/n). If I win, I get to go out with you. If you win, you get to choose what you want to do with me. I'll be your pet for a week." he explains.
"Aw that's so cute you wanna date me, Barnes." I taunt, making him throw the first punch. I easily see it coming, and grab his metal arm before it hits my face. I send an electric shock up it, making the arm spark. He cracks his neck, letting the sparks fade. He punches again and I duck down, sweeping my leg and making him fall. I stand over him.
"I think you forgot that we trained together. I know all your tricks." I smirk. I go to kick him in the side, but he grabs my leg and flips me over his head, I land on my back, hard. Wind knocked out of me, I wheeze on the ground, and he takes the chance to pounce on my and pin my arms to the mat, straddling my torso.
"You didn't see that coming?" Bucky provokes, his face inches from my own. I smile, craning up my neck and kissing him lightly on the lips. This takes him by surprise, so I free my arms and flip him over so I'm the one straddling his torso this time.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" I mock. He smirks.
"Alright (y/l/n), you win. Now what is it you want?" I grin and let go of his arms, cupping his face. I feel his hands settle on my torso.
"To go out with you." I whisper, leaning down for another kiss.
"I'm glad Steve didn't let you go on that mission." Bucky mumbles against my lips."
"Me too." I say back, smiling.
"You know what (y/f/n)?" he asks, pulling back and breaking our kiss.
"What?" I ask softly, brushing a finger across his lips.

"I've been waiting for this kiss for almost seventy years."

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