Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

"Be sure to come visit sometime. Ellie and I would love the company." Ben told his sister as he gave her a long hug in the main foyer of the Radley's house.

"Will do. And don't be a stranger." Alexis replied as she pulled away and shot a teary eyed smile to her brother.

"Hey now, don't cry. We're only a half hour away." Ben said, placing his hands on Alexis' forearms in comfort.

"I know, I know." Alexis nodded.

"Hey I think it's my turn!" Ellie said from behind Ben where she had been waiting patiently.

Ben moved to the side allowing his wife to have a moment to say goodbye to Alexis as well. "I really hope you take us up on the offer to spend some time with us. I forgot how much I loved having girl time since Ben likes to keep me all to himself." Ellie giggled pulling away from their embrace.

"I will, don't worry." Alexis smiled in response before moving on to give Bree a gentle hug knowing that she would have a panic attack if Alexis weren't cautious around the baby. That's just the way Bree was, but it was also the reason that she was going to be an amazing mother.

"Take care Lexi, and congratulations on the big eighteen." Bree said giving Alexis a small hug before pulling away.

"Thank you Bree." Alexis smiled.

"And even though things didn't work out the way they did for me on the night of my eighteenth, doesn't mean you can't put that lingerie to use another time." Bree winked, causing a blush to arise on Alexis' cheeks.

"I'll keep that in mind Bree." Alexis giggled nervously as Andrew hurried back into the house.

"Okay, everything's in the car. You ready sweetheart?" he asked turning to Bree.

"Of course. Bye Alexis." Bree waved before following Ellie and Ben out the house.

"You going to be okay here with just old mom and dad?" Andrew asked with a grin.

Alexis smiled. "I think I'll manage."

"You've grown up so fast Lexi. It's literally scaring the shit out of Ben and I." Andrew said scratching the back of his neck.

"It's life. I can't stay little forever." Alexis smiled.

"No, you can't." Andrew agreed sadly. "We really like him you know. Ben and I. Justin's a good kid. He'll be good to you, but that doesn't mean Ben and I wouldn't beat his ass if we needed to."

"Yeah, yeah shut up." Alexis giggled softly.

"Be careful okay?" Andrew asked.

Alexis nodded. "I promise."

"Good." he chuckled before pulling his sister in for a hug and releasing her a couple moments later.

"I should get going. Bree is going to be hungry soon so I should get her home. Don't hesitate to call Lex. For anything. I mean it." Andrew said making his way towards the door.

"Go on, I'll be fine." Alexis smiled, waving goodbye to her brother as he finally left the house.

Letting out a sigh Alexis made her way into one of the many family rooms, picking up her book that she had left there earlier that morning and making her way up to her room to put it away.

It were times like these that she wished she hadn't been the youngest child. It was Monday which was why her brothers were in such a hurry to get home to start off the week. And it also meant that her father would be missing more than ever now that his job had to go on.

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