Chapter 38

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Chapter 38-

Tiny bits of snow continued to flake down onto the windshield of the car. They were easily visible due to the dark street that the car was currently traveling on.

Alexis just stared from the backseat, mesmerized by them. Eventually, the windshield wipers would swipe by and carry them all away before new ones would take their place.

"You alright back there?" Mike asked, looking in the rearview mirror to glance at Alexis. "You've been quiet."

"Yeah, just worried about Brooke." Alexis replied softly. "Listen Mike, thanks for the ride. I know you were about to go home, but Jaxon wouldn't answer his phone and I needed to get to Brooke as soon as possible."

"It's no problem at all Lexi." Mike replied, his eyes looking back to face the road. "Claire has been on her new bike every day. You should see her Lex. It's unreal how the smallest of things make children happy."

Alexis smiled, picturing Claire riding around on her new bike.

"She wants me to teach her how to ride without the training wheels. I promised we could give that a try this weekend, but she's rather impatient. She'll probably try to wait up for me to get home tonight so that we can practice in the driveway." Mike chuckled.

"Well in that case, don't keep her waiting. After you drop me off go ahead and head home, it's only six-thirty. Gives you plenty of time."

"I'll take you up on that offer. It's dark, but we can turn on the flood lights outside of the house." Mike nodded.

"It won't take her long to figure it out. You taught me too, remember?"

Mike chuckled again. "How could I forget? You complained about the helmet and the pads the whole time, but you picked it up like a pro. I was proud."

Alexis smiled, remembering pieces of the memory when Mike had taught her to ride without training wheels.

"It's crazy how fast time flies. You're getting all big on me." Mike shook his head. "And I have a feeling that Claire is going to be the same way."

Mike took a right turn onto a different road that Alexis recognized. They must have been only ten or so more blocks from the church. Hopefully Brooke hadn't gotten too worked up and run off already.

Alexis drew in a breath, she desperately hoped she would be able to help her friend with whatever last minute emotions she was going through.

Upon their turn, Alexis found it odd when she spotted the two black Escalade's parked on the side of the road. Justin had many of them, but apparently so did somebody else who wasn't so nice.

She turned her head to stare at them as they passed, remotely getting a sense of de-ja-vu. They reminded her of the cars that had chased after them the afternoon that Alexis and Jazmyn were shot at on the sidewalk.

Their lights flicked on automatically as Mike and Alexis finally passed before the Escalade's pulled onto the small two lane road behind them.

"Mike." Alexis spoke, her voice holding concern.

"I know." Mike replied. Alexis looked to see that he too was glancing behind them at the two cars.

Alexis kept her head turned, her eyes watching the Escalades as they followed too close for comfort.

"Hold tight. I want to see if I can lose them." Mike turned abruptly onto another road and Alexis had to hold onto the passenger seat in front of her so that she didn't slide across the car.

Alexis turned back once again, her heart already began to beat faster. She could hear it in her ears.

The two followers had turned with them.

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