Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Alexis sat in her bed, her body paralyzed with fear. She didn't know who was about to appear in her doorway, but she didn't have a good feeling about it.

She should have gone with Justin. She shouldn't have said no.

Those were the only things that ran through her mind as the door slowly swung open, revealing the unidentifiable figure of a man standing in her doorway.

For a moment, neither of them moved. And though Alexis couldn't see the man's face in the darkness, she knew it wasn't Justin.

Her situation came back into focus when the man began to walk closer, his arm turning back to shut the door as swiftly as he had opened it.

And then, in an instant, all her fears became a reality when her eyes caught the sight of the black ski mask he was wearing. All hopes of this being one of the suits possibly checking up on her immediately vanished.

When he was close enough, Alexis saw the man smile through the cutout of the mask that circled his mouth, shooting chills up her spine.

What was she supposed to do? Was this some kind of joke? Was Justin trying to scare her into staying with him? Because she wasn't finding this particularly funny.

A moment later, he reached out a single hand towards her and immediately she backed away from him, moving across the bed. This definitely wasn't Justin's idea. Justin surely wouldn't let this man touch her.

"There, there. There's no need to be scared of me kitten." The man spoke. She couldn't even bring herself far enough of out her shock to try and process his voice. Had she heard it before?

"P-please" she stuttered, barely able to get the words past her lips.

"Don't back away from me and I won't hurt you." He replied, ignoring her pleads.

"What do you want?" She asked, grasping the comforter tightly to her chest. Never in her life had she been so terrified.

"If I told you then I'd have to kill you kitten. And we both know that you'd be no good dead." The man chuckled, his voice demonic and harsh.

The man reached out for her again, and Alexis shifted backwards even farther until she was barely sitting on the opposite edge of the bed. Her options were limited. The only way out of her room was past the man and out her bedroom door. And that option had a very low chance of success.

But it was worth the try. Because she sure as hell wasn't going to sit here like a helpless, pathetic child.

Alexis' eyes shifted back and forth from the man to the door. She could tell there wasn't a lot of time before she was in his grasp, his patience wearing thin, and fast.

"Come here kitten, you're making me angry." The man said, his voice snapping. However, she could tell he was trying to keep quiet, doing his best to not make a scene which meant there had to be some of the suits not too far away.

She just had to reach them. She only had to get that far.

As quickly as she could manage, she jumped off of the bed and ran across the room to her door, feeling relief wash over her the closer she got. That is, until she felt a strong aggressive grasp snatch her wrist and pull her backwards, her body falling and sliding across the floor, creating a painful smacking sound.

She let out a whimper as she began to get back up.

"I told you not to run from me kitten. You're only making this harder on yourself." He snarled.

Alexis felt his hand grasp her hair tightly as she was forced to look up at him, tears pricking at the edges of her eyes. Scream. All she had to do was scream for help.

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