Chapter 27

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Chapter 27-


This was the first word that came to Justin's mind.

He couldn't. He wouldn't.

But the beautiful girl standing in front of him was much to perfect to turn away. Why was she doing this to him? Tempting him in this way, practically offering herself to him as a present.

Of course he wanted to. Hell, he had dreamed about it too many times to count, but he knew she wasn't ready.

It was his job to take care of her. To protect her. To look out for her best interest. And this definitely wasn't in her best interest. Not right now. Not so soon.

But then he began to wonder, was she not ready, or was he the one who wasn't ready?

To be honest, Justin didn't have the courage in himself. He had never been with a virgin before, and the last thing he wanted was to move too fast and ruin everything they had worked so hard for already.

She was the only woman he had truly ever wanted. All the ones before her didn't count, they didn't matter. They were child's play. But this girl, Alexis, his Alexis wasn't like any of them. She was it. One day she would be his in front of God and everybody, with a ring on her finger and his name to prove it. But the fact that Alexis wanted to be his in this way, was something Justin had not seen coming so soon.

He was mentally prepared to wait much longer to have her. Hell, he would wait until their wedding night if she asked for it. But tonight?

The night of his twenty-first birthday? She had only been legal for a few months!

As Justin's brain pondered all of this and more, Alexis felt her heart begin to drop at the long silence that came from Justin.

She shifted on her feet, her eyes glancing down at the floor. She felt awkwardly embarrassed.

She was about to turn and wrap her robe around herself until Justin finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Alexis, we don't have to do this. I don't want you to feel like you owe me this."

"But I don't." she replied quickly.

Justin took two steps forwards, the space between them decreasing slightly. "I just.... I think it's too soon. I don't think either of us are ready yet."

Her stomach dropped with the realization that Justin was about to deny her.

"My worst fear is that we'll rush into things." he continued.

"Don't you think we have already?" she stammered back.


"We've already moved in together Justin. You've already talked about marriage and children for Christ's sake! Nothing that we've done has been slow. I'm not stupid. I know what this is!"

"You know what what is?" Justin asked.

"You're denying me. And I can't understand you! You make sexual comments to me all the time, you fondled me in your father's office, you've let yourself into my shower, and now suddenly this is too fast for you?"

"I wish-"

"Tell me the truth. Tell me the fucking truth right now about why you won't be with me Justin." she demanded.

"I just want you to understand that we have all the time in the world for this. We don't have to rush into this." Justin said, gesturing to the entire situation.

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