the 'how does everyone know??'

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Jimin eyed his best friend from across the room.

Taehyung was getting his books out, surprisingly, and preparing for the lesson in about two minutes. Twice he had lifted his head up to look outside and both times Jimin had seen purple bruise marks on the underside of his chin.

He did something with Yoongi, Jimin stared intensely, and now he's got love bites.

It took a while for Jimin to fully comprehend what those love bites meant, before he was storming over to Taehyung.

"So, looks like you finally fucked Yoongi."

"What made you think that, Jimin?"

Jimin's fingers, without thought, went to his chin and sharply tugged it upwards, bringing the two of them closer together so he could whisper.

"You've got love bites on your chin."

Taehyung's face flushed, and he batted Jimin away. Jungkook leant back in his chair to give him a cheeky grin.

"So you finally did it?"

"How does everyone know??" Taehyung said exasperatedly, ruffling his hair. Jimin's heart clenched, but he quickly distracted himself. Jungkook leant further to give Taehyung a pat on the arm before Yoongi had come into the room. Taehyung looked down.

They hadn't spoken very much about what happened last night, and to say Taehyung was frazzled was an understatement. When they had fallen asleep, Taehyung's dreams were only about Yoongi, and what would've happened if he-

Taehyung slammed his head onto the table in a high pitched whine. All these thoughts about Yoongi were driving him crazy. He glanced up to his teacher, and saw Yoongi was smiling right back at him.

Fucking prick, knows exactly how to push my buttons.

Meanwhile, Jimin was burning holes in the back of Yoongi's blonde hair. He cursed him for ever meeting his best friend Taehyung, and making him act this way.

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