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Minhyuk and Kihyun was in the van and they didn't exchange a word with one another. Maybe moments like these has to be silent and somewhat that needed no words at all, both of them were undergoing the same pain for so many years that it needed no explanation for the both of them to understand the pain.

Minhyuk looked over to see Kihyun yawning and rubbing his eyes. His eyes were a bit puffy from crying a while ago, he had that kind of pain that was more worse than Minhyuk's. He felt bad for Kihyun, he had to struggle everytime Shownu would tell him his feelings for the person he likes, and he had to undergo it for how many years. Kihyun never showed any weakness in his face everyday, he never showed his tears to anyone, until he met Minhyuk. Both of them shared the same qualities and they understood each other. Minhyuk was the only person that understood him.

Minhyuk opened his window to inhale the night's cold air with the moon's light rays kissing his delicate skin. He imagined if Hyungwon never entered Wonho's life, he imagined if Wonho never liked Hyungwon, he imagined....

what if Wonho liked him back?

His life would've been easier that way, he didn't have to struggle with what he's experiencing right now, he wouldn't worry about no one accepting him, and he didn't have to cry over Wonho ever again. If feelings could be deleted, he would do that, but life was so cold to him. He had to carry a curse that would never be uplifted, unless Wonho would love him back, but he himself knew that Wonho would never like him and he just had to deal with it everyday, he had no choice but just stay happy for Wonho even though he didn't want to. God, Wonho was driving him crazy and he felt like he was on the edge and one more push of Wonho, he'd end up falling for him, and he was really falling for him, and he was falling down an endless pit with Wonho just watching him descend down the pit with an amused look.

"Kihyun, can you drive me to my house right away? I don't feel like partying anymore" Minhyuk said

"Sure" Kihyun replied


Kihyun dropped Minhyuk safely to his house, both of them exchanged goodbyes before Kihyun drove the van back to the bar since Jooheon would be mad if he didn't return it.

Minhyuk entered his house and was met by his dad that was definitely drunk, Minhyuk readied himself for any punches, he was usually blamed for everything that happened in his dad's life, ever since he was born, his mom left the both of them while Minhyuk and his father struggled in their life. Minhyuk was 5 then when his mother left him, and he was also 5 when his father sold him to random people. Minhyuk used to tell himself that selling away his body was alright since it meant he was helping his father. He never complained to his father, not even a single complain was heard from his mouth. He had to bear it, because that was the only thing he could do to live a normal life, if selling yourself to random people was considerable, then its called a normal life for him.

"Yah, Lee Minhyuk, why are you having fun with your friends at this hour?! Shouldn't you be working by now?!" his father shouted while grabbing fistfuls of Minhyuk's hair

Minhyuk was starting to cry, not because of the pain, but because of his mistake of going out with Kihyun and the others. His father was right, he shouldn't have went out to have fun with his friends. If he didn't do that, he wouldn't have to suffer the scene he saw of Wonho and Hyungwon kissing.

"Don't worry, I didn't have fun there at all" Minhyuk answered

Minhyuk gently put away his father's hand away from his hair and went upstairs to sulk in his room because that was the only room he could lock himself up and think.

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