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Seoul looked the usual, the city vibe, the bright lights, the blaring noise of people partying ringing in Hyungwon's ears and the scent of sex lingering in teenagers. Hyungwon was just wandering around the streets probably just because he couldn't sleep. He had to do something to make himself tired. He was actually already tired after all the wandering he did in the streets, but not sleepy. While he was walking, he stopped when he saw a bar in front of him. The sign that had bright neon lights illuminated his perfect and beautiful face. He knew clearly that he didn't like bars that much, in fact, he never liked them. They were noisy with bright lights everywhere, he hated the bar. But in his situation right now, he didn't care anymore, he just entered like it was a usual thing for him to do everyday, like the bar was his house. Once he entered, music was ringing in his sensitive ears, lights were illuminating around everybody who was dancing, the harsh neon lights were blinding his eyes, the noise making him go deaf, and the smell of alcohol intoxicating him. He tried moving his two feet to go to the bartender so that he wouldn't look like a fool just standing there. Once he was where he wanted to be, he sat on one of the chairs and silently thanked the person who invented the chair, he seriously needed it since his feet hurt after the wandering he did a while ago.

"Your girlfriend broke up with you?" asked the bartender

"W-what?--no!" Hyungwon said,"I just came here because I couldn't sleep"

"Your a weird person" chuckled the bartender who's name was Kwon Soonyoung based from the nametag that was pinned on his uniform

"Oh..hehe.." Hyungwon chuckled awkwardly, he never knew how to socialize people well, he had zero experience in socializing with people since he usually stays at home and stays there like a couch potato. He was such a potato (a beautiful and cute potato)

Soonyoung looks like a pretty hot guy for him, but he wasn't just his cup of tea. Soonyoung also looked just too cute for him, even though his hair was slicked back and even though he was looking hot right now, Hyungwon still found him cute. He wanted to hug Soonyoung, but decided not to, because Soonyoung might find him even more weirder. While Soonyoung was working, Hyungwon watched him from behind. He had fun watching Soonyoung, he just really looked too cute to not to look at. He even found his small eyes cute. While Hyungwon was scanning every inch of Soonyoung's body, his smile turned to frown which turned to a smirk. He found a kiss mark on Soonyoung's neck which he reached out to touch which made Soonyoung cover his neck and Hyungwon found it cute

"W-what are you d-doing?" asked Soonyoung

"A kiss mark? You sure are popular in this bar" Hyungwon chuckled

"Y-yeah..." Soonyoung blushed while rubbing his neck


Hyungwon turned to see who called out and he saw a cute and small guy, a guy about 5.3 or 5.4 ft. He had a cute body figure and his eyes which Hyungwon also found cute. He wondered why did cute people go to this bar, cute people didn't just suit this place. They should've been in a playground or something, but then he tried evaluating himself and he realized that he shouldn't be here too, because the place totally doesn't suit a weird person like him

Hyungwon watched Soonyoung going near to the cute and small guy which Hyungwon heard his name as Jihoon

"What? I'm working!" Soonyoung pouted playfully

Modern City HYUNGWONHOTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon