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The feeling of nostalgia hit him once he saw the apartment he used to live in with his ex, Park Minji (this is just a made up name). Minji wasn't really the type of person that wanted money, big houses, marriage contracts, or having a boyfriend that spoiled her, she just wanted an ordinary relationship just like any other couples. Dates at the park, watching movies late at night, and she practically just go with whatever they had. Minji was pretty much satisfied with what they had, Wonho was, too. In fact, they didnt have any complaints with each other.

But the problem was, Minji's parents hated Wonho. They hated every part of him, just because he wasnt what they expected since they were a wealthy faminly, their standards for a guy were high and Wonho was just simple. He wasnt rich, nor does he own companies. But at least he'd know how to take care of his girlfriend. Minji and Wonho had talked about it, properly and thoroughly, they even begged in front of her parents, but they still disagreed. Minji was so mad, to the point that she escaped and never came back to them...

The couple moved some place far from Minji's parents, where they can live in peace. At first, it wasn't so bad, Minji forgot everything and just lived happily, but bills were lining up one by one. Wonho tried to work hard, he applied any job just to survive. He worked day and night, sometimes, he didn't even have time to rest. He did all of it because he wanted prove to Minji that they can live even without anyone to take care of them, that they can survive with just the two of them living in a small apartment. But then days after, Minji started feeling off, she was suddenly cold and she tried avoiding Wonho as much as possible which only made Wonho work harder. They've had fights at times, mostly it was Minji blaming Wonho, that he wasn't a rich decent guy who could afford things. She felt like she wanted more, and Wonho gave it to her. Anything she liked, he gave. But she still wasn't satisfied, until she started coming home late. Her only response to why she couldn't come earlier for supper was because of work. Wonho believed it, maybe at least it got some sense into her that she should work, too. But there were times where she never came back home. Some days she only stayed in the apartment for one day per week, some even three days per a month. Wonho couldn't bear it, he tried asking her to just quit her job but she wouldn't. But he did find out eventually, he was working as a janitor in this particular hotel and he saw Minji in the arms of another guy. He felt humiliated, embarrassed, guilty, and most of all, broken. He didn't go there to her and show his face, nor did he shout at the guy's face, he just kept his mouth shut and walked away. Weeks later, when she finally went back to the cheap apartment they live in. Wonho was still and quiet while sitting down on the sofa, looking at the TV that didnt have any signal. Minji ignored him like the usual and was about to walk to their bedroom when Wonho caught her off guard,"Were you in a hotel with some other guy last week?". She looked at him and glared,"I wasn't." At the moment, Wonho clenched his fists and stood, walking over to where she was. He kept walking towards her until her back was pressed on the wall,"Did you badly needed money so much that you would sell yourself for it?" Minji couldnt answer, but she regained herself and said,"im not a fucking slut". That was all it took to push Wonho over the edge, he couldn't help it anymore. So he slapped the girl so hard that she almost fell, the sound of the slap resonated throughout the room, and it was the only thing that was heard in the awkward silence between them. "If you wanted it so bad, you could have just went to me and told me. I would give it to you, rather than fucking yourself with someone--" "Thats bullshit!" Minji shouted,"How am i supposed to ask from you when you're not even rich or wealthy? You cant even give me what i want! Id rather sell myself to some other guy who can afford me, not like you who cant." Wonho would have blamed himself again like he used to, but this was different, he couldn't let Minji take over him. He should do something about it, so he said,"Fine, get all of your things out from my apartment." Minji's eyes widened, the apartment was the only place she lived in when no one bought her. Her clients didn't want any long relationships, they just use her for pleasure and dump her away. "What? Is no one going to buy you tonight, huh? Is that the reason why you're not going to fucking move?!" Wonhos voice boomed,"Didn't you hear me?! Get the fuck out of my apartment!" It wasn't a sad departing, Minji couldnt even look him in the eyes when she got out. She was too frightened to anger Wonho any further, and Wonho...he was so torn apart, so wrecked and broken. He felt like there was a void in his heart that could never be filled again. He felt incomplete....

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