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Hyungwon got in the car silently with Heechul. He glanced at him and wondered if Heechul forgot about asking Hyungwon about last night. Hyungwon felt relieved that he wasn't asking him anymore. He sighed and looked outside and noticed that the rain hasn't stopped yet. He opened the car window beside him and stretched out his hand to feel the rain kissing his palm

"You'll get sick, Hyungwon. Close it" Heechul said sternly, avoiding eye contact with Hyungwon because he was driving

Hyungwon didn't listen and continued to let the raindrops run down his palm to his arms. The water felt cold against his pale warm skin, the rain reminded him of him and his friends. They used to play in the rain with Hyungwon. He stopped playing with them once he was six because he had to move to Germany since his parents wanted him to take a vacation with his grandma, and he never got to see his friends again after that. He did come back after six years, but once he got back his friends weren't in Korea, they moved to another place only God knows where. Hyungwon felt sad and would always wait at his big gate in front of his mansion and he would sit there for hours everyday just to wait for his friends. But they never came.

"Hey, Heechul..." Hyungwon said softly

Heechul turned to look at him with an expression that meant,"what?"

Hyungwon turned to look at him with his brown orbs meeting with Heechul's brown doe eyes, too. Looking at them made Hyungwon relax a little, he loved Heechul's eyes, they were pretty, Hyungwon actually envied everything about Heechul. He just looked so pretty to Hyungwon.

"Thank you..." Hyungwon smiled

"Is this some plan of yours to flatter me so that I can buy you something you want? Because that plan is already cheap, I know you Hyungwon, you can't fool me" Heechul said while stepping on the brakes since the traffic lights indicated they stop because there was a red light.

"Thank you for not leaving me" Hyungwon said

"Your welcome." Heechul replied,"What made you say that?"

Heechul shrugged and raked his brown hair and sighed. He looked at Heechul with his sincere eyes and smiled

"Its just...I remember my friends," Hyungwon said,"the rain reminds me of how I used to play with them when its raining."

"No wonder you always became sick whenever it stopped raining" Heechul mumbled under his breath enough to make Hyungwon to hear

Hyungwon chuckled and rested his head on Heechul's shoulder, the scent of Heechul made him sleep.

"Yah! Hyungwon! The traffic light lit green, get off of...." Heechul trailed off his sentence when he heard Hyungwon's cute snores and sighed,"You brat, if you weren't just being stupid and stubborn last night then you wouldn't be worried like hell today. I know something is bothering you Hyungwon, but it seems like you have to handle your problems by yourself now. Your no longer a baby, but you'll always be a baby to me until you get old"

Heechul rested his face on Hyungwon's head and pulled him closer.

"By time passes, you might leave me, Hyungwon. You can't hang on to me till' your sixties. You have to find someone, someone that won't leave you..." Heechul said,"Someone that will love you forever..."


Hyungwon woke up on his soft bed with Heechul beside him who seem to be standing and holding up Hyungwon's alarm clock in front of his face

"Its 7:55 am, Hyungwon. Get up and eat your breakfast downstairs." Heechul said

Hyungwon stretched his body and yawned, he closed his eyes again hoping that Heechul will just go away and leave him be, but Heechul seem to stay and watch Hyungwon till' he wakes up

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