Chapter 19

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l woke up slightly more dazed and a little uncoordinated then before. I checked the time and it was 5 minutes past 8 and I would have gone back to sleep if my stomach hadn't made a dying noise. So I pushed myself off the bed, fixed my hijab which was half covering my face and crept downstairs not wanting to be seen.

I was halfway down the stairs before realising that there was guests down the stairs, I knew it couldn't been Adam and his family as they had left before I arrived back from the school.

I took a little glimpse from the stair banister and saw Asif talking to Hussein, Saif and my uncle. I ran. Back to my room, like the little coward I was.

I was in a frenzy my possible future husband was downstairs and I wanted food. Food over everything, fries over guys, right? I thought, so I fixed my appearance once again and went down the stairs as gracefully as I could. I was about to walk past the living room and run for the kitchen but Saif spotted me and I internally groaned.

"Hey, Zara your finally awake, look who's here?" I forced a smile and made a mental note to beat the crap out of Saif when no one was around.

"Asalaamilualaikum!" I forced out whilst trying to sugar coat my voice with enthusiasm,  which just ended up with me sounding constipated.

They all returned my salaams. "Zara why don't you sit." I looked down at my stomach and back at Saif and I narrowed my eyes at him. I prayed that my stomach didn't rumble or make whale noises.

"Ermm...okay." I was avoiding eye contact with Asif and my uncle sensed my discomfort and gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back, he was like a father to me and I knew I could talk to him about anything,  except girly things of course because then that would be plain awkward,  he would always be there with the best advice.

"So we were just talking to Asif and he told us where you two went yesterday,  honestly Zara, I don't know why you couldn't tell us." Hussein said as I adjusted my top.

"Oh look, you should see the designs that Asif drew up for the house." My uncle saved me from answering Hussein and I was eternally thankful.

My mouth hung open, he had done the designs already.  I looked at him and he sheepishly smiled.

"Already,  and your building them a new house?" I questioned, my voice had real enthusiasm laced in it and I couldn't hold in my excitement as I got up and looked at the Blue prints which covered the coffee table.

"Yup, I was really excited when I got home yesterday that I kind of just did it." I looked at him and smiled.

"These are great, but..." I said before hesitating.

"But what? if you don't like them, you can tell me and I could draw up some more or..."

"No these are great" I said interrupting him mid sentence. "But it looks expensive. " Asif just laughed this off.

"Oh I thought you didn't like the designs and don't worry about the cost, I got it covered. " his smile was meaningful and it met his eyes and I noticed the dimples that stuck out. The way he was looking at ne made my heart do backflips.

"So..." said Hussein and I mentally face palmed, the tension was rising and I wanted to run for my life to get food. I got up from the seat I had taken whilst I looked at the Blue prints and decided to tell it straight.  " Well I'm hungry so I'm going to get some food, do you guys want anything. " My stomach rumbled right on cue and I thought about a really bad word beginning with F. Everyone laughed and I just pointed to my stomach."See, even my stomach is trying to tell you." I dashed straight for the kitchen.

No one was in the kitchen and I couldn't find any food. I trudged back to the living room and sulked before crossing my arms like a little child.

"There's no food in the kitchen. " I said to no one in particular.  The guys just laughed at me. "My mum and your mum have gone shopping with Ameerah to get some groceries and are going to go out to eat after. I guess you're stuck with us, we were just going to order pizza and play Cod (call of duty) on the Xbox."

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