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"At my command?" He questions me. I nod.

"Dean what the frick?!" Sam,walks in pissed. "Leave now!" He points at the door looking at me. I play with the hem of my shirt, slouching.

"No!" Dean yells back at Sam, "She stays!" He grabs my hand. "I command her now."

"Command?" Sam screams in shock. "Dean did you forget she's a I don't know a demon?" He yells.

"I am a different demon. I am not the demons you've encountered. In fact I'm a rare demon. I'm a humane demon. I feel like humans but am immortal like other demons. I feel pain from anything. I am a slave," I explain.

"Prove it," Sam pulls out a silver knife. I hesitate to grab it. I slice my bicep. I wince at the pain. Blood pours out. I cut deeper and I scream. I drop the knife and hold the cut. Blood gushing out of my fingers. Blood drips down my arm to collect on my pants.

"Believe me know?" I ask still holding the clotting wound.

"How do I know it wasn't staged?" Sam asks.

"You can cut me."

"No!" Dean stands in front of me. "Sammy, besides if she is lying we can kill her. It's ok," Sam glares at me.

"Master?" I ask.

"Yes Kitty?"

"My arm hurts," I say bluntly still holding the wound.

"Oh ya," he pulls me to the table and sits me on top. He grabs a towel and removes my hand he presses the towel on the cut and has me hold it. He lays me on my opposite side and lift my arm try to stop the bleeding. He wets another towel and wipes my arm, he then removes the towel I was holding and dabs at the cut I wince and bite my tongue.

"Dean," Sam calmly says. "I think I found us a case," he says and sit on a chair.

"What is it Sammy?" I watch Dean move from my arm to get something he comes back with a needle and thread.

"Hurricane in the middle of Nebraska forms over abandoned building after several screams could be heard. Category 5, in under 2 minutes."

"We hunt monsters not storms," he finishes the last stitch. He places the towel again and gets something to wrap it with.

"Demons. Or an angel," I tell Sam what caused the storm.

"What?" He looks at me confused.

"When you toucher demons they give off omens. Angel screams give off weather patterns. I gave you what it is," I watch Dean come back.

"Dean she might be right. On the demon part," Sam interrupts.

"Demon omens?" Dean asks. He finishes patching me up.

"Nice work," I admire his stitching and bandaging.

"I've had enough to know how to do it," he sits down and has a beer.

"Yes lots of omens. Unexplainable cattle deaths. Power failures. The normal," Sam rambles on about the omens then one particular one catches my ear. "Winds stop and go south, making birds fly north."

"Sam I know this demon. I worked with him. He's in trouble," I remember Damon. This demon worked for me. Under Crowley's nose. We would sell demon killing weapons on the black market for deals. It helped Crowley gain business and me a reputation.

"You know every demon. Who is it?" Dean asks.

"We worked together. He made demon killing blades and I sold them in order to get deals for Crowley."

"So you sold things that could kill you on the black demon market?" Sam asks.

"The white demon market," I smile. Those were fun times.

"Beside the whole thing of this who's torchering him?" Dean asks.

"Probably Crowley. He's a little pissed off at me. He's not very happy with my decisions."

"So does miss Kitty want to go on her first hunt?" Dean asks.

"Yes. Now I have a thing where you can change me from form to form. Tell me what then tell me when," I smile and look at the abandon building.

"How do I communicate with you?" He asks. Tell me what through thought then a double snap will tell me to change.

"Dean ready?" Sam grabs his bag.

"Ya," Dean grabs his bag. 'Kitty?'

'Yes master?' I reply.

'Can you become a hairless cat?'

'A what now?'

'A cat with no hair. Please,' Dean snaps twice. I feel myself get closer to the floor.

"Sam you're driving!" Dean picks me up.

I smile, "really?" Sam asks.

"No, you're holding Kitty," he hands me off the Sam.

"This is not Kit," he holds me farther away I bite his hand.

'Now I know why Crowley calls you moose. Bull headed d-'

'Hey! That's my brother.'

Ok sorry. I squirm and Sam puts me down I stand by one of the doors.

Sam opens a door, I crawl in. "Mommy look kitty," a little girl screams and I look back at her I stop climbing. Both of my paws are in the Impala and one of my hind legs is trying to push the rest of me up. I stare at the little girl getting closer.

"Scarlett lets go love."

"But mommy please one pet?" The little girl pleads.

"I guess, ask the nice man if you let his kitty," the mother reminds the daughter as she sprints to me.

"'Cuse me can I pet your kitty?" The little girl tugs on Sam's shirt.

"Sure why not," he laughs and picks me up and kneels next to she past my head and strokes my back I start to purr.

"Thanks. Your kitty is pretty funny looking with no hair," I stop purring and she leaves.

'Can we not do that again?'

'Sorry. Kitty it won't happen again.'

'Better not.'

Good Kitty (Dean Winchesters X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now