Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I got home from my dinner with with Liam and decided to go to bed. I took off my dress and put my pjs on. I took my hair out of the bun and left it down. I then went in my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up with the bright sun shining through my window. I stayed in my room a little because I was too lazy to get up. I really want Liam to ask me out. He is a good man to have  around. So sweet, lovable and caring. After an hour I got up and got dressed. I went into the living room and sat with my grandpa.

"Where's grandma?" I asked.

"She's just sitting on the porch outside." I went outside and seen her sitting on the porch.

"Morning grandma." I go over and kiss her cheek

"Good morning sweetie, how was last night?"

"It was amazing." I beamed, still getting the butterflies in my stomach from just thinking about it.

"I'm glad you had fun."

"Diamond!" I turned and looked over and seen it was Liam.

"Hey, why don't you come over?" I asked.

"Well,my brothers and I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the arcade with us."

"Can I go grandma?"


"Yea! I love you!" I gave her a hug and went next door with Liam.

"So, when are we leaving?"

"Right now."A van pulled up and honked.

"Hey guys! Get in!" Zayn yelled. I sat in the back with Liam.

"So, how are you Diamond?" Niall asked.

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm great. Thanks for asking." Then I heard Harry's phone ring.

"Uh, guys."

"What?" They all answered.

"We have to go to New York." That's where I use to live but why are they going there?

"I'm sorry, we have to take you home." Zayn said.

"Aww, why?"

"Because, we need to visit our mom." Zayn said quickly.

"Okay.." I know they're hiding something but I decided to let it go. They turned around and dropped me back at my house without a word.

"That was fast." My grandma said and scared me.

"Yeah, they had to go to New York."

"For what?" She asked, concerned.

"I don't know, to visit their mom I guess."

"Did they say when they will be back?"

"No." I said sadly.



"That sucks."

"Yes." They’re hiding something, I know they are. They left so suddenly, but they wouldn't just go to New York They didn't even say if it was an emergency. Why is he lying to me?

*Liam's POV*

I feel bad for lying to Diamond. I'm not a nerdy boy. I'm famous in a band called One Direction. She never even heard of us.

"Why did we have to go to New York?" I asked.

"We have a concert there tomorrow!" Louis is freaking out.

"Tomorrow? Why didn't they tell us ahead of time?" I asked while we were rushing on the plane.

"I don't know, because our boss is stupid!" Niall said. We sat down on the plane and finally calmed down.

"Wait? You lied to Diamond!" Harry said.

"Yeah, I told how I was a nerdy boy and wore glasses."

"Dude! She'll never go out with you if you keep lying to her!" Zayn said.

"I'm trying my best not to! I wanted to ask her out at the arcade today but it's too late." I said in a disappointment

"When we get back to Florida you have to ask her out." Louis said.

"I know, I will."

*Diamonds POV*

He lied to me. I never thought he would do that. He seemed so sweet caring and lovable. But I guess not.

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