Chapter 10 (Edited)

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We were riding in the new car and it looked like we were heading to the mall.

"Wouldn't people see you because you're one direction?" I asked.

"That's why we dressed up."

"Liam is a nerd."

"Zayn is a bad boy."

"Niall where's a hat and sunglasses."

"Louis is a teacher."

"Diamond you can just be your self." Harry said all at once.

"Okay. So, why are we at the mall?" I asked.

"Because, were buying you a new wardrobe!" Liam said.

"Hey! I was suppose to say that! I thought of it." Harry pouted.

"Sorry Hazza."

"It's okay. So, you can pick out anything you want wherever you want and don't worry about the cost." Harry explained.

"Guys, thank you so much. But the money-"

"Hey, don't worry about it sweetie." Liam said.

"Are you sure?" I really have to owe these guys a lot.

"Yes, we're positive." Louis said.

"Zayn.. whatcha ya thinking about?" I poked him in the elbow.

"I'm pretty sure Perrie." Louis said.

"Yeah, that's all he thinks about." Harry said and rolled his eyes.

"Hey! that's not true!" Zayn said and he crossed his arms.

"It is true that's all you ever think about when he met her." Louis said.

"Is not."

"Is to."

"Is not."

"Is to."

"Hey! Enough!"

*Perrie’s POV*

I was just walking in the mall alone when I think I noticed Diamond and her friends. I walked over to her and said:

"Hey, Diamond."

"Oh, hey Perrie. What you doing here?"

"Oh, not much, just walking around. Who's your friends?"

"So we're not noticeable?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn? That's you?'

"Yep." Wow, Zayn looks hot in that bad boy look. I could stare at him all day and not stop.

"It's one direction!" A little girl screamed.

"Crap! We have to go Diamond."

"Alright." Zayn took my hand and we ran to the blue car and got in.

"Who's car is this?" I asked.

"Diamonds." Liam said.

"Sweet car."

"Thanks." Liam sat up front with her and the rest of us sat in the back.

"What about my car?" I asked.

"Will get it later I promise." Zayn said.

"Okay. So, we're we going?"

"Back to Liam's house." Louis said.

"Alright, my house it is!" Liam said.

*Liam's POV*

I wonder when I should ask Diamond to marry her. Probably soon.

*Diamond’s POV*

"Alright everyone, Diamond and I want some alone time." Liam said.

"Okay you two! Have fun!" Harry said and winked at us and they all left in the van.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Hmm, relax?" I asked.

"And watch movies?" He suggested.

"Read my mind, didn't you?" We both laughed.

"Sorry, we didn't get your surprise today. In a couple days we have to pack for Michigan and then we can get your stuff."

"Alright." I said and just stared in space.

"Everything gonna be okay, you got me and the rest of my brothers and Perrie. Please don't cry." How did he know I was about to cry?

"It feels like I have no friends I can trust."

"You can trust us."

"I know, I mean, I don't know." I sighed and put my head in my hands. He rubbed smooth circles on my back.

"You and I will live a happy life. With my brothers and Perrie. It looks like Zayn and Perrie might get together."

"That's all he ever thinks about."

"Everyday, huh?"

"I think Perrie liked his bad boy outfit. She was about to drool." I chuckled.

"Looked like it."


"I'm hungry, wanna order a pizza?"

"Sure, I'll buy."

"You sure?"


"But you bought-"

"Don't worry about it."

"Maybe you and Perrie will get close."

"Maybe." We order the pizza and waited for the pizza guy. In about fifteen minutes he came.

"I'll get it." Liam said. He got up and went to the door opened it and handed the guy his money.

"Ready to eat?" He asked.

"Yes." He closed the door and put the pizza on the coffee table. That's how are night ended. Pizza and movies. Best day ever.

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