Chapter 16 (Edited)

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*Diamond’s POV*

Liam just asked me to marry him. I'm so excited for when our wedding day comes.

"She said yes!" Liam picked me up and spun me around. The audience cheered and clapped for Liam and I.

"I knew she said yes!" Zayn said.

"This is the best day ever!" Liam said all happy.

-------after concert-----

We are on our way back to the hotel. Zayn seemed a little bit upset though. I wonder why?

"You alright, Zayn?" I asked.

"No, Perrie never told me she sang. Her voice is so beautiful. "

"Well, I knew." I said in an honest opinion.

"How come you never told me?" He asked ashamed.

"Well, I wanted you to find out yourself. I didn't think you'd be upset. But hey, look at the bright side. She sings and so do you. Plus, she's your girlfriend." I said and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Diamond you're like a sister to me. One I can always trust and never let go of."

"Awe, thanks you're so sweet."

"Thank you." We finally arrived at the hotel and we split our rooms. Liam and I, Niall and Harry, and then Zayn and Louis. Liam and I said goodnight to everyone in went into our rooms.

"Well, this was an awesome day wasn't it?" He asked as he closed the door.

"Yes, yes, it was." I said in my honest opinion. Of course I'm happy I got engaged! Woohoo! I then went into the bed and laid down.

"Can I lay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course you can.” I moved over so he could come in and he laid down by me.

"I'm so happy." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause my soon to be wife said yes to marrying me." I swear he makes me so happy.

"I'm happy I found you." He said.

"Me too."


I woke up before Liam. I just laid there and see if he wakes up but it looks like he isn't. I got up and went to the bathroom I seen they had a rob there so I put it on. I then left Liam a note that id be right. I went to knock on Zayn's room and he answered.

"You up too?" He asked.

"Yeah, wanna go get some breakfast?"

"Alright." Then he came with me.

"Heard from Perrie lately?" I asked.

"Yeah, she apologized to me and said sorry I didn't tell you I wanted to surprise you.".

*Liams POV*

I woke up and Diamond wasn't in the bed. I got up and seen a note.

"I'll be downstairs eating breakfast with Zayn wanna come?" The note said. I got ready and went down to the lobby and there was Zayn and Diamond.

"Hey baby." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're not mad that I'm spending time with your brother are you?"

"No, at least you told me. Even though I have a feeling you like Zayn." Her mouth hung open and so did Zayn’s.

"I do not like Zayn! he is like a brother to me! I'm marrying you Liam and you think I have an eye on someone else?" She asked shocked.

"Yeah, and I have a girlfriend and it's Perrie remember Liam?"

"Why would you think that?" Diamond asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'm a bit jealous."

"Liam, how can you be jealous when he's your brother and I'm marrying the one man I only love?" She asked being a little bit upset.

"I don't know." I sighed I have to get over my jealousness.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She said.

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