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"Depression",my doctor told me. I rarely go see him because when Kook's home I can't go.  You see,I love him with all my heart and I believed he loved me. Although, he tells me to not leave his side, but will walk out when he's angry (which is daily). He told me I'm the most beautiful man in the world, but after he's done beating me, he tells me how disgusting and weak I am. He told me, we would be happy forever but he doesn't speak a word to me most days,He told me I was the love of his life....

but he has a girlfriend.

  I was home as usual since Jungkook won't allow me to get a job. He told me not to leave the house and if I did, he'd make sure I couldn't walk. I don't know what I did to him,what happened to make him like this. This is not the man I wanted to spend my life with like in the beginning.

As I was cooking dinner, I heard the door slam. I tensed up knowing he was angry just from hearing his stomps approach me from behind. I closed my eyes expecting the worse. "Hey princess,why are you cooking rice? I want ramen." I felt him grip tightly around my waist, breathing down my neck. "Y-You told me you wanted rice yesterday...remember ?"

That's when everything fell silent. I felt him back away and I slowly turned around to see a staggering Jungkook and a whole bottle of alcohol...completely empty. He looked at me with a smile that didn't seem genuine, it looked- forced. He stumbled closer, I tried backing up onto the counter but he already grabbed me and pinned me to the floor. I cried in pain,my hands were red from him gripping so hard. "SHUT UP, WHAT DO YOU KNOW HUH ?" He shouted, his infuriated eyes causing me to tense up even more.I didn't move all night.

When I woke up the next morning, I had a black eye,my lips busted, my hands bruised, my pants down,and two deep slashes on my back. Pain rippled through my body as I clenched my teeth attempting to get up.I don't know why I stay here,is it because I know deep down he's a good person? Or because once I'm gone I won't know what to do.I didn't cry when I looked in the mirror mostly because I've looked worse. Jungkook was already gone,probably out with his girlfriend that he loves dearly. I was numb,letting the pain eat away my weak, black and blue body.

*Sigh* "Just a normal day."

Few Hours Later:

Jungkook was back home,I stayed in my bedroom with the door locked. I didn't know what he was feeling and I wasn't taking any chances. I heard a small knock on the door."Taehyung? Let me in please." I stared at the door with wide eyes, he never once said please to me, something's up. I went to the door and unlocked it to see Jungkook looking at me with deepened,glossed eyes.

"Taehyung I-I'm sorry for what I've been doing to you... I never meant to hurt you baby, I love you. I don't know what's been happening to me and I just can't seem to control myself. Please Tae you gotta believe me."

I stood there completely dumbfounded,what the hell? He hasn't been this nice is months let alone apologize. "I forgive you Kookie." He inched closer to my face, but. His eyes looked off somehow. I ignored it. His hot breath pounded across my face,pulling me closer,our lips touched. Then-

He stopped.

I opened my eyes to see a bright smile plastered against his face."HAHAHA DID YOU REALLY THINK I WAS GOING TO KISS YOUR NASTY SELF?! OMG THIS IS PRICELESS,YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! I looked down to see him holding his phone. He recorded everything, his girlfriend walked in clinging onto Jungkook laughing her ass off with him. He then punched me to the floor while she kicked my ribs,I ended up coughing blood.

I just closed my eyes and let it happen.

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