Sisters Know Their Way

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Chapter four.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Time has never passed so slowly in my life. It's 8:30 in the evening and Fawad left four hours ago and I'm still listing all the pros and cons of marrying him. I understand he likes me and wants to marry me, but I don't understand how he can practically demand that I agree. I don't even know him. I've never seen him before Aria's wedding. I don't even know if he smokes or drinks or has had relationships with girls before.

After attempting to make paper airplanes out of leaves for over one hour, I head towards the garden to speak to my parents.

I get on my best puppy eye face on and sit in front of them. "Mama, baba?" I whisper.

"Yes baby, what's wrong? Are you still contemplating, dear?"

"Why are you guys doing this to me?"

"Doing what? Alina, we are not forcing anything on you. Fawad's proposal is reasonable." Stated my father.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. "Baba. I know, but please, what if he marries me and takes me to his home and he already has a wife?" I reasoned. I don't even know where that thought came from.

My dad's face goes blank and suddenly, he looks frustrated. "Alina. Stop being childish. If we accuse Aria's in laws with such stupid things, they will hold no respect for us!"

Just as I was about to argue further, there was a soft knock on the door that we almost missed. My father quickly gets up and walks to the door, muttering something like "whose here so late? What do they want?"

As soon as he opened the door, he was tackled by a small body yelling "baba!"


They continued to hug for a while and I could see Asher awkwardly waiting for them to pull apart so he can greet his father in law.

After a few seconds, she let's go and runs towards my mother doing the same thing she did to my father. Then she looked at me and her grin reached her hairline. "Alina!!!"

"Hey baby!" I hug her tightly and kiss her cheek. "How are you?! How have you been? Why didn't you come sooner?"

"I've been so good Alina. You have no idea. I am so happy!" She cried.

"I asked why didn't you come sooner?!"

"Oh. Asher had work, but as soon as he spoke to Fawad, he drove us down immediately. For myself and you!"

"Why did he speak to Fawad? What does you coming down here concern Fawad?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Are you serious, Alina. You really thought I wouldn't come to my little sisters wedding just because I just got newly married?"

"What? What? No. I-- that's-- absurd! I'm not getting married." I slight yelled.

Upon my small outburst, all heads turned towards me. Oh no.

Aria noticed my mood change and tugged me towards my room, but not before I saw Asher pulling a suitcase through the door.

As soon as we were inside, Aria locked the door behind us, walked over to the cabinet and pulled out our secret stash of chocolate that I forgot even existed and plopped down on the bed. She raises one eyebrow at me and points to a spot in front of her. Oh. I quickly take a seat in front her.

"So.." She starts. "What am I hearing about you and Fawad?"

"He's delusional and he's demanding that I marry him." I quickly declare.

"He's not demanding anything, Alina. He's proposing you."

"I don't agree."

"You know, Asher saw me at Jawad's birthday party."

"Who is Jawad and why does they even matter?"

"Our neighbor! The five year old kid. Asher and his family were there too. You weren't there. You were sick. He saw me. He came over and asked where I lived. I said next door. He literally took his parents to our house right then and asked our father my hand in marriage."

"That's ridiculous. I don't remember anything like that. Stop making stories." I reply.

"Argh. Alina! That is exactly what happened two months ago. And look at me now, I've never been happier. I think I might fall in love with him by the end of the week."

"What are you trying to say? My mind is too confused to interpret your stories."

"What I am saying is that what Fawad is doing is nothing new. Stop being ridiculous and say yes."

I look at Aria waiting for her to laugh at her joke but she continues to look at me with eyes filled with... Anticipation? She doesn't wait for me to respond.

"And have you even seen him? He is so good looking! If I wasn't married, I would've totally locked you up so I can marry him instead." Aria states with a huge grin on her face and I immediately feel like wiping it off.

"Stop! You're married!"

"That doesn't mean I can't look!" I cringed at the thought of her looking at Fawad.

"You have no right to look at him, lower your gaze." I replied, unsure of the reasons behind my uneasiness.

"Wow, look at you, getting all possessive." She teased.

Are you serious?

"he's not yours." I simply stated.

"You're not really accepting him as yours either"

"I never said that." I mutter the last part.

Aria raised her eyebrows at me. "You've been yelling that since I got here."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean tha--"

"Stop talking. I know you better than you will ever know yourself. I'll go tell mom that you said yes."

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