This is it.

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Chapter Six.

There was a loud knock on my door. As soon as I turned my head to see who it was, the man with the hazel eyes popped his head in.

"Fawad. What are you doing here?" I asked standing up.

His eyes wandered around my small room and then landed on me. He opened the door wide enough for him to enter and then he turned around to closed it. He swiftly closed the distance between us within a few strides.

"I wanted to see you." He raised the back of his hand and lightly caressed my cheekbone. His eyes were tender as they stared into mine. For the first time, I noticed how tall he really was. Even with my 4 inch heels (which he bought by the way and Aria forced me to practice walking in for two hours earlier today) he was at least one foot taller than me. His shoulders were broad, ready to protect anyone. And his hands were big enough to hold both of mine in one.

I took a small step back and confusion flickered across his face and then his gaze and hand dropped as if he just realized something. "Listen, I'm not forcing you into anything. I just don't have enough time here to let you think about my proposal. I want you as mine as fast as possible. I can't risk anything."

"I'm not anyone's property or a possession that you can just buy whenever you want to, you know. I've always wanted to find a man who didn't lay out demands. You are forcing me. You've convinced my parents and because of them, I don't have a voice to deny this proposal anymore." I crossed my arms as I stared at him intensely.

His eyes dropped to the floor and he shoved both of his hands in his pockets. A full minute later, he pulled them back out holding a small red velvet box.

He took one step towards me and grabbed my left hand. Without another word, he flicked open the box with one hand and pulled out something. Before I had the chance to blink, I felt some cool slide down my finger.

My first thought? It's beautiful. I saw one small diamond sitting in the middle, surrounded by even smaller diamonds. The ring is elegant and simple and perfect. But why?

"What's this?" I questioned raising my eyes to meet his.

"I don't want to force you into anything. We will do whatever you wish but the only thing I want now is for you to wear my ring. You're mine. You know it and I know it. We can tell the world later, just as you prefer. Perhaps it will give us more time to think." He said as he raised his hand again to trace my cheek and he leaned in to place a kiss on my forehead.

My heart beat skyrocketed and I felt as if my cheeks were on fire. I dropped my gaze, waiting for him to continue, but he didn't. Instead, he took a step back, turned around and walked out the door without a glance back.

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