What just happened?

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Chapter Seven.

Two years later.

"Come here you little man. Don't you run away from me!" I yelled as I ran behind the little bum. "You can't steal my chocolate after you've gobbled your own down!" I lunged forward and caught the shirt of Azlan and pulled him into a bear hug, snuggling my face in his neck.

"Mommy!" He struggled out of my embrace and ran towards the house, where Aria was standing.

"Oh no. Alina, can you feed him for me please. I'm so exhausted." She quickly said as she shut the door in her child's face.

It took my best effort to not laugh at the poor baby's face. That's what he gets for keeping his pregnant mommy awake all night. I walked over and picked him up before he started bawling and tried to distract him by bringing up chocolate in front of his eyes. It worked.

I carried him over to the garden and sat down beside my father, pulling out Azlan's bottle of milk.

After getting comfortable with the baby, I turned towards father who was reading a newspaper with a lot of interest. "What are you reading?"

He didn't answer immediately. Instead, he held up the paper for me to see.

Oh. It's one of those again. This time, they actually put a picture with him looking at the camera.

"Father, why do you even bother reading these useless newspapers?" I finally asked with a defeated feeling.

"Dear, I could ask you the same thing. Why do you still wear his ring?" He asked, putting down his newspaper and taking off his 18th century reading glasses. I gulped.

"Father. I- I mean- that's - this is different." I mumbled.

"No, it's not different. It's pretty simple. He gave you a useless piece of jewelry after feeding us all lies and left you forever. It's actually pretty simple if you ask me."

His reply really got to me. "Well father, I didn't ask you." I snapped and stood up, careful not to make Azlan uncomfortable and stomped towards the house.

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