Is this it?

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Chapter Five.

"Alina. Wake up."

I felt a finger jab into me and I shot right up.

"Stop! What are you doing? The sun hasn't even risen yet!" I glared at Aria.

She looked down and a sheepish grin slowly spread across her face. I heard a small "sorry".

I laid down, snuggling back into my blanket. "Why are you waking me up so early? Don't you have to be with your husband or something?" I teased.

"I would love to be with him right now but he left last night to be with Fawad."

That stirred curiosity in me and I turned my body to face Aria. "Why?"

"He has to prepare for his wedding, you know." Aria stated in a 'duh' tone.

Wedding. WEDDING.

I shot right up again.

"Wedding! My wedding! I'm getting married! Today!" I frantically looked around searching for something to calm me down, but I saw nothing. Instead, I heard a giggle escape Aria's mouth and she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth. Within 30 seconds, she was doubling over with laughter. I am freaking out and she's going to laugh? I grabbed the nearest pillow and hit her. That shut her up.

"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny."

"Oh come on. Your reaction was priceless. Alina, it's okay. When I went to talk to mom last night, Fawad had came over to speak to our father. When I told them you said yes, Fawad continued talking to baba and he said he won't be taking you with him immediately. Right now, his house and job in Dubai require a lot of attention and after he's done dealing with that, he'll come and take you. This will give you more time to accept him and the marriage before moving in with him. Maybe he can get you a telephone so you can communicate while he's gone."

I felt my heart drop. Isn't this a good thing? "So he's not marrying me today, right? He'll marry me when he comes back after a few years, right?"

"Did you not hear a single word I said?"

"No, I--"

"He's marrying you today. He's claiming you as his. But, he needs a few days or so to set things up there and then he'll come get you" Aria explained.

"Oh" was the only answer I could come up with.


I stared at myself in the mirror. I am not sure I recognize the person staring back at me. I saw a girl with her hair braided until it reached her waist with a sequence of flowers wrapped around it. She was wearing a bright red dress that was fitted up to the waist and then elegantly flowed down. There was a simple design of beads done right below the bust and to top it off, a red and silver shayla was loosely wrapped around her head.

Wow, I look.. different. I look like a.. bride? Is this what brides are supposed to look like?

Aria had insisted on getting me ready since sunrise. She did my henna and later on insisted on using the make up Asher got her on me. At the end, I was left with pink cheeks, red lips, and black kohl in my eyes. And this was after a lot of fighting. She wanted to use every piece of make up on me and I wanted to stay as simple as possible.

"If you're done admiring yourself, can you fix my hair?" I turned around to see Aria leaning against the wall with few flowers in her hand, with one of her signature smirk across her face.

"I wasn't admiring myself. I was just checking how bad you messed up my face." I teased as I grabbed her and sat her on the bed. I pulled her hair up in a messy bun and stuck a few small roses here and there. I turned her around and pulled two strands of hair on either side of her face to frame it. "There you go, sister. All done."

Aria quickly walked over to the mirror. "Do you think Asher will like it?" She questioned as she checked her hair out in every angle. I sensed a hint of worry in her voice. Seriously?

"Aria! You look beautiful, like always! Plus, I see the way Asher looks at you. You could not shower for one week and he'll still love you. Now, can you please focus on me now. It's my marriage. How does my shayla look?"

"Oh right. It looks fine. You know, this dress that Fawad got you looks really nice on you. I'm surprised he guessed all your measurements right."

"Oh, I gave him the measurements last night. If you girls are ready, come outside. Fawad and his family have been here for a long time now." My mom's voice came even before she entered my room. But when she did, her eyes immediately landed on me and she rushed towards me.

"Oh dear, you look so beautiful. This dress looks so nice on you. Aria, your hands are magical, you made her look so beautiful!" My mother wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. She then kissed both of my cheeks.

"Thank you, mama. Although, I'm naturally beautiful even with your Aria's magical hands"

"Off course you are. You're my daughter. Okay, Aria. You come with me now. Alina, you stay here for a while and I'll send Aria to get you whenever things are settled down outside."

They both quickly looked in the mirror and rushed out, closing the door behind them.

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