How You Met *

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It's the last day of secondary school after GCSEs and before you go off to sixth form. It's July time so you don't yet have results.

You go to an all girls school so your teachers think it would be fun to have a little prom celebrate the end if all the stress. Except you need to bring a date.

But you don't have one. And neither does your best friend so you just roll in, single Pringles. Late single Pringles but single Pringles all the same.

The prom is already in full swing when you get there, boring music playing out of the speakers. You and Your best friend decide to just sit on the side and wait for some good music. As if your School would play that though.

Aaaaaaand in walks a guy. Strange. A guy in a girl's school, no girl on his arm.

He walks over to you. Black hair, dresses like Harry Styles.

"Hi." He says. "Can I sit bere? Um my girlfriend just um dumped me for another guy."

Woahhh. Why would someone dump this eye candy. You want to say.

"Oh I'm so sorry." You say instead.

"Yeah don't worry about it. It really doesn't matter. I was warned about her."

Your best friend gets up and goes to the other side of the hall. A boy wraps her arms around her and leans down to kiss her.

"So much for being single Pringles together, y/b/f/n"

"I guess we've both been rejected today. Heh" he says. .

"Heh yeah. Um what was your name?"

"Blake. I'm Blake Richardson." He replies "you?"


He smiles.

"Do you want to dance, then?" He asks

Despite your strong opinions about the schools taste in music, you agree and he takes your hand, places both on your hips and you put yours on his shoulders.

Fate changes. Heh.


You were at prom with your boyfriend of two years. When I say two years I mean on and off again for two years. He was always controlling which pushed you away but you somehow always ended up crawling back to him.

He suggested that you both should get a room at the hotel that was hosting the prom for the night. You didn't think it was a good idea at first but he talked you into having things his way, like always. 

You both went upstairs but he told you that of one the key cards for the room wasn't working so he sent you down to the hotel reception to get a new one.

When you came back upstairs with the new key card, you unlocked the door and found your boyfriend making out with another girl.

You stormed outside the hotel and down to the lake at the bottom of the hotel garden. You didn't care that you tore your expensive dress on a few twigs or even that your makeup was all smudged from crying.

"Hey, are you okay?" You turned around to see the hottest guy you've ever seen in you're life standing behind you. He must have been the new guy everyone was talking about.

"I'll be okay. I always am."

"What happened?" He asked referring to your ripped dress and smudged makeup.

"Trouble with an ex." You said.

"Ah, him. Is he an ex?" He asked. He must have already heard about me and my now ex-boyfriend. The whole school knows about our situation.

"He's definitely an ex." You said confidently.

"Good." He smiled, "I'm Reece by the way." He put his hand out infront for you to shake.

"Y/N." You said shaking his hand. Even from a simple touch you could both feel the sparks.

That was the moment you knew everything was about to change.


You're at your school dance with everything from your high school. New Hope Club are the live band. During a small interval, George comes down from the stage and goes to the drinks table to get some drinks for Reece and Blake.

You're on your own anyway, your best friend is dancing with her boyfriend and the date you were supposed to come with, snuck off upstairs with another girl.

So you go over to the table yourself to get a coke or something. On the way, you see George holding one of the cups too tight and a little drink spills on the floor, but he doesn't notice. He certainly does a step later when he slips on it and falls over, spilling all the rest of the drink all over the floor and himself. Luckily no one but you sees as he's walking round the back. You run over to him before anyone else sees and pick up the cups. You get him up off his feet but he's drenched so you keep him away from the spilled drinks. Blake and Reece come running down the side and call people to clear it up and go and get the drink they need.

"Thanks." George says to you "What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N" you say to him.

"Thanks for helping me out. Almost made a fool of myself."

"It's alright. I was alone anyway."

"Well I really appreciate it."

He hugs you and thanks you once more before leaving to go back to the stage.

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