Your First Kiss *

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You were hanging out with the three boys at George's house this weekend as his parents were away.

You had been talking with Reece about your feeling towards Blake. He told you to go for it but you were to scared of how he would react if you confessed your feelings.

Little did you know that Blake was feeling the exact same way as you and had told George about it.

Reece and George came up with a plan to finally get you and Blake to share a kiss.

You were alone in the sitting room after you had just been giving a dare by Reece. The dare being to kiss Blake. On the lips. For at least 3 seconds.

Blake wondered in and sat next to you on the sofa and smiled at you.

You had been sitting in a comfortable silence for 5 minutes until Blake's phone interrupted. Blake checked his phone and chuckled. You gave him a strange look.

"Y/n we need to talk." Blake says looking straight into your eyes, "I like you."

"I like you too." Next thing you know his lips are attached to yours.

"That was way longer than 3 seconds." You both turned to find Reece and George smirking in the door way.


You and Reece have been Neighbours since you moved to Accrington when you were only 3 years old and you have been best friends since.

In the summer when you were 10 and he was turning 11 you're dad told you there were bears in the garden so you would come in and eat your dinner. You both knew there weren't you you both decided to camp in the garden.

That night you lay under the stars and talked about anything. Everything. This was almost 10 years ago.

Ever since Reece decided to go on the X-Factor you guys haven't been as close, although there was no doubt you never not supported him.

You never lost touch. You'd talk on snapchat, instagram and whatsapp. You never really 'talked' though.

Flash forward a couple years and Reece was home for the summer so you decided to go see him as you had some news.

You didn't know how you were going to tell him that your dad got a job in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He had been for another interview but nothing was 100% confirmed yet.

You knocked on Reece's house door and were greeted by Jamie and Lexi. You gave Lexi a hug then went up to Reece's room as Jamie had told you that's where he was.

You sat down next to him and told him what could be happening.

"So you're actually moving, Y/N?" He asked. You could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Nothing is finally yet but most likely yes." You said as you took his hand in yours. You've liked Reece for a long time but you ever thought holding his hand would feel this natural to both of you.

Next thing you know Reece laughed and smirked at you. You were about to pull your hand back when he got a tighter grip of it.

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing it's just, you've got something on your shirt." You looked down to where his finger was pointing and by the time you looked back up, his lips were on yours. The 'something on your shirt' thing was a prank you always used to play on each other when you were 7.

After about 15 seconds you pulled back and smiled at each other.

"Y/n, y/n!" You heard Lexi say as she ran into Reece's room, "My mum just got a call from you mum saying you don't have to move!"

You just looked at Reece and let go of each other's hand laughing and smiling to yourselves.


George had asked you oh-so kindly to his Year 13 Leavers Party, and since you went to a girls school and his school was mixed you oh-so kindly agreed.

The two of you had been dating for about two weeks and you'd cuddle and he'd kiss you everywhere (on yer face. No dutty dutty )but your lips. Same with you. You never leaned in. You kissed him on his cheek and ear. It wasn't because you were scared. It just never came up. You never talked about it. It wasn't a thing.

So you weren't expecting anything tonight either.

But you got something.

It was super cliché and movie-like. You wore matching dresses and pocket squares and the two of you were in the middle of the dance floor with your song playing - Say You Won't Let Go. You had no doubt that George had asked for that to be played. The lights were down and pink. The disco ball illuminating his face. He looked pretty darn handsome right there.

You still remember the feeling and the moment to this day. The second verse was playing. James' voice filling the room through the speakers. He kisses you on your head when that particular line came up, as your hands were against his chest his arms around your waist.

You looked up into his eyes when he pulled away from our head and brushed your nose against his.

Your foreheads were no together and your eyes locked in each other's. He twists his head slightly and his lips brush against yours gently.

He smells of Jasmine and mint and lots of other things you describe to him always as "George" You move your hands to around his neck as he pulls away from the gentle kiss


"I love you, y/n"

"I love you, George"

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