You're Sick *

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Blake's PoV

3am. Y/n rolls over, groaning. Half asleep and very ill.

"Baby..." I wrap my arms around her burning body. Her medicine (no puns intended) isn't due for another two hours and I can't give her anything else except for Lemsip and honey.

But I don't have the heart to wake her up. She barely got to bed and I can't wake her up. It would break my heart.

A few hours pass and I've not been able to sleep.

"Baby... You need to get up for medicine honey."

"I don't need medicine"

"Yes you do baby. You're burning up and coughing. Get up honey"

"I climb out of bed and walk over to her side. I help her up gently and let her head rest against the pillow in the headboard. She is shivering and grab the blankets everywhere form the bed and wrap her up. I pop a paracetamol pill out off the packet and pass her her water.

She takes the pill and coughs again and falls into my embrace.

"Oh baby"

I gently let her back into bed after making sure she's stopped coughing and had a sip of Lemsip to calm her throat.

Hours pass and it's around 10am. I've found some sleep and she has too.

She finds enough strength to climb out of bed and walk with my help to the bathroom.

I run her a bath with colourful bath water and beautiful smells. I light candles and make the room as calming as possible, putting on her favourite relaxing playlist.

She slips in, and I leave her be for about twenty minutes. She calls for me then and when I walk in, there's a smile on her face.

"Thank you for this, Blakey. I'm feeling mentally so much better. Despite a pounding headache, I feel better today."

"No problem, baby. Its my job."

At around 9pm, I've been with her all day and she's been in and out of sleep and if she's not sleeping she's eating or taking medicine. But throughout the day she gets better and better.

"My throat, baby" she croaks.

"Then don't talk." I reply.

She's lying in my lap while I stroke her hair.

She raises herself up on her arm and I lift her so her head is resting on my shoulder and my is around her. I kiss the top of her head and she shifts her legs so they're on my lap and she's all completely cuddled to my middle.

"Thank you for looking after me today."

"I will never not look after you. Seeing you ill breaks my heart. C'mere"

She holds me tighter and falls back asleep.

At about 11pm she's still sleeping, obviously waking up for food and medicine several times.

I carry her bridal style to our room. Since she was in pyjamas all day, I just put her in the bed and sit next to her in my phone.

She groans every so often. She's not happy. I stay awake till around 1am and she finally gets some sound sleep.

And then I sleep.


y/n's fever seemed to have become worse overnight. she's asleep when i wake up so i tangle myself from around her hot body and go downstairs to get a blanket and medicine with water.

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