New Years Kiss *

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This was yours and Blake's 3rd time seeing the new year together.

But this was special. The boys were invited as special guests to the London countdown in central london.

They said to bring +1s and you were excited to go. Wearing a fluffy dress and a big coat with hats and gloves you'd stolen from him (which he'd probably stolen from George or Reece, meaning it was highly likely their girlfriends had worn them too) the six of you had ventured into town earlier that night.

Now it was 5 to 12 and his arms were around your middle,your head backwards into his back and all his warmth radiating to you in the biting cold. You'd had a lovely grassy spot with many other celebrities and chose to stand, as did the other boys.

Finally the last ten seconds. You both turned so you we're facing each other and to your side would be where the fireworks happened. He held you close and as the first firework went, he lent down and locked his lips tightly with yours. He touched your nose with his own and pulled away

"Here's to more New Years and Birthdays and even just every day with each other. i love you  y/n/n"

"Every. Day. I love you Blake"


You and Reece had been best friends for a while now but you both had a huge crush on each other. Possibly more than a crush.

All your friends and all Reece's friends and family were out with their partners and other friends that you guys didn't know so you both decided to spend New Year's Eve together.

All was going well until Reece made a stupid comment about something silly that you cared about and you stormed out of your New York City apartment.

It was dark, cold and thunder was crashing. It got louder and you walked faster as you heard him call your name.

You didn't stop but he did eventually manage to catch up with you.

"Reece, why did you follow me?" You asked as you shivered.

"Because I was an idiot." He said taking off his jacket and wrapping it around you.

"Thanks." You muttered under your breath. You obviously forgave him but didn't want to let your guard down so easily.

"Also so I could do this." Next thing you know, his lips are on yours.

"Happy New Year." You heard the people around you shout. You both pulled apart smiling and looked across central park, that you didn't even realise you had walked to, and saw that the ball was at the bottom.

"I like you." You smiled at Reece.

"I like you too y/n/n." You smiled up at him.



You had held no party no gathering. your family had left earlier. they had parties to get to, that you had no will to attend.

So you and George just sat on the sofa in your jim-jams with popcorn and sweets and indian takeout watching the countdown live.

As George's 5 to midnight alarm went off he yanked you off the sofa and handed you your coat. Confused, you followed him out to the back door of your house.

He'd set some fireworks on a timer and knelt down so you could hop on his shoulders. As the first one went up you followed its trail and George held your hands tighter.

Soon, the last firework went off and it was in the shape of the word 2019.

You slid down his body until he was carrying you like a koala.

2019 was here. You smashed your lips in his and he held you close.

Still with you in his arms, he runs to the sofa again and you crash in the sofa. you sit in his lap and watch the rest of the fireworks outside.

Slowly you feel asleep

"Happy new year baby boy"

"Happy new year baby girl"

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