Chapter 7

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Jackson, Mississippi

Three months. Not one word from Lucas.

The day I left the Smith property was the unknowingly the left day I'd get to see Lucas and Mae Beau. Well, not true, I saw him once as I went to the market. He looked... bad. He didn't see me so we didn't speak. That hurt.

I still love Lucas even if Mister Charles had beat some nonsense into him rather than common sense. If Lucas decides not to be with me anymore or with our little girl, I will not stop loving him nor will I force him to be a father.

Oh, and I am believing after all that I am having a beautiful little girl. Aunt Rosa Mae came over with a prediction trick. She tied a ring to string and said if I swung in a circle, it's a boy. If it went back and forth, it's a girl. It went back and forth.

I've also taken it upon myself to name her. I picked a name I really loved for a middle name and a name Lucas really loved for a first name. And she will, as of now, have my last name. Just until I know what Lucas is doing and thinking of doing.

Her name will be: Harper Madison Davis.

I just wanted to ask my sisters their opinion on the name. "Lauren! Naomi!" I called. They came in so quickly it's like they were waiting at my beck and call. They sat down crisscrossed in front of me.

"Since Aunt Rosa Mae's prediction said the baby was a girl, I've picked out a name."

Their eyes got really bright, "Please tell us. Please!"

"Her name will be Harper Madison Davis." They got up and hugged me. "That's the cutest name ever!"

Lauren started rubbing my belly, which has grown a lot. And Harper is starting to kick. It's the most exciting experience I've ever witnessed and because my skin seems to be thin, you can literally see the outline print of her foot.

"Here, girls, go get some orange juice." I said.

They raced to get the juice and were back in under a minute. "Here, Toni." Naomi said handing me the cup. I drunk it down slowly and waited for the magic. "Pay attention." I told them. I gave Harper a little a tap and it happened.

 I gave Harper a little a tap and it happened

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"Oh wow!" They both exclaimed. "Toni, this is so cool! You have to show Momma." Lauren said.

"No, Momma not to fond of me right now, maybe another time." I said lowly. After I basically lost my job at the Smith's and nobody wants to hire a pregnant maid, Momma's been working some shifts every now and then to make up for the money lost.

Lauren frowned and pulled me up, she's oddly strong for her age. "We're gonna go show Momma."

Naomi pulled my other arm and they both dragged me to Momma's door, which I haven't even stepped foot towards since she heard about the pregnancy.

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