Chapter 8

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Jackson, Mississippi

I woke up and immediately had to pee. Every night before bed, I drink two bottles of water because it's supposed to help my skin heal faster, that's what the new maid said.

The night my father beat me, he literally beat the brains out of me. My lip was busted, my eye was black and swollen, my rib cage was bruised, and the list goes on.

The worst part is I haven't seen Toni in six months. She's six months pregnant with our beautiful child and I haven't found the guts to leave the house and go to her yet. It was festering angry inside me, and I was bound to snap at any point.

"Lucas, Father said to prepare yourself for our dinner tonight with the Colemans and the Walters." Mae Beau said from the other side of my bathroom door. I inwardly groaned seeing as I'll have to be nice to them even though they are the most incompetent people I've ever met.

"Mae Beau, come in." I said. I needed her opinion with something. She came in and sat on my bed, "Mae Beau, why haven't I seen her yet and when should I go? When is it safe enough?"

She automatically knew which her I was talking about. "Lucas, I told you already, she cannot be around here. Father is still upset with you and if he even lays eyes on her he'll kill her."

"I'll kill him if he even looks at her the wrong way."

Mae Beau rose an eyebrow and got silent. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. I... I love her so much Mae, and the fact that she doesn't hear that from me everyday is messing with me. And she's by herself wit– nevermind. You wouldn't get it." I said stopping myself before I told her Toni is pregnant.

"I already know, Lucas. She's having your baby." I looked from the wall to Mae Beau with a shocked look on my face. I have no clue as how she would know this because I haven't told her. "The day I saw Father beat you, she came by and accidentally told me."

"She saw me?"

"No, I didn't let her. I sent her off because she didn't deserve to see you that way." She answered.

I felt everything inside me start to burn up. I was tipping over the edge and there was no sight of return. "Okay, thank you." I showed her out and closed my door.

Toni's probably scared or thinks I hate her because my racist father demeaned her. He nearly popping my eardrums so I know she must've heard him.

I quickly got dressed and left my room to go talk to my father, he was in for an earful tonight. I didn't care who was listening.

I was sitting around when my beeper went off. I automatically knew who it was considering only one person knew of my beeper.

I snuck downstairs and called Lucas.

Lucas: Hello? Toni?
Toni: Lucas, oh my gosh. Hi baby. I've missed you.
Lucas: Awe, gorgeous. I've missed you more. I'm so sorry. I haven't been the man you need in a time like this. I just haven't been thinking properly... Toni? Toni? Toni?...


I heard my mother yell taking me from my dream. When I opened my eyes, and only saw her next to me, I begun to cry hysterically.

She wrapped me in her arms and kissed my cheek. "What is wrong, my sweets?" She asked.

"I miss him so much, Momma." I cried. "I miss everything with him, and he can't even be around for the baby. Momma, what if he hates me? What if I'm supposed to go find him?"

She cradled my face in her hands with a very stern look on her face, "If there's two things I'll teach you that I really want to stick: Don't ever feel like you need to chase a boy, because they are exactly that, a boy, if you needa be chasing them. And don't you ever worry about the what-ifs in life because those ruin the reality of whats going to happen. You hear me?" I nodded as she placed my head back into her chest.

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