Chapter 12

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Jackson, Mississippi

"Are you serious?" I yelled.

"Baby, stop yelling at our daughter please."

I looked over at Lucas and rolled my eyes. "She kicks and kicks and kicks, but don't vacant the premises. Her clock is ticking and soon, I'm delivering her eviction papers. I'm kicking her out."

He chuckled at lightly trying not to hurt his stomach wound. I walked up to him and lifted his shirt. "You need to change the gauze." I left the room and got his medical kit that the hospital provided him with.

I took off the one that was on him and let the wound breath a little bit. "I cannot believe you got shot." I thought. Lucas held onto my hand making me realize I'd actually said that out loud.

"It was a month ago, Toni. I'm fine and I can change it myself." He said as he tried to sit up. I gently pushed him back down and scowled. "I cAn ChAnGe It MySeLf. Boy hush up and let me change this."

I quickly sprayed the antibiotic on it and covered it with the gauze. I taped it down and put everything away. After I threw away the bloody gauze I sat back next to him. "See, easy."

"You're stressing out my baby, baby." He chuckled.

I puckered up my lips, "Anyway, look at the cute clothes we've been buying her." I went to the closet and started showing him the clothes.

" I went to the closet and started showing him the clothes

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"Those are beautiful." He said. I looked up at him and we had this awkward moment of just gazing at one another. Those blue eyes get me every time. I got in the bed and laid next to him.

"You're cute."

He looked over at me and smiled. "You think so?"

I shrugged, "I mean... Yeah."

"Thank you. I don't think my girlfriend slash wife is gonna appreciate you flirting with me. She's kind of insane." I snickered a little but kept up the game.

"Oh, is she? Well," I straddled on top of him, "She shouldn't leave you out and about. Someone could easily just..." I leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and grabbed onto my bottom. I quickly swatted his hands away. "Hey, now. I have a boyfriend slash husband." I smirked.

"Whoever he is is one lucky man. Oh, wait. He's me." He slapped my butt and puckered his swollen lips. I kissed him then laid on my side. My stomach was getting heavy.

"The day I marry you, we're popping out ten more kids." Lucas said making me give him the side eye. I don't think he realizes that I'm the one who'd carry his big ass babies. Harper alone is killing me.

"Ten, no. Maybe two more. I definitely want a Lucas Jr. so we can definitely try agai–"

"In a year." He proudly said.

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