Meeting an Angel

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The warm yellow sun was shining down on a beautiful July day. The Muppets were continuing to get things prepared for the newest TV show charity thing for Up Late With Miss Piggy. The Electric Mayhem were especially busy, coming up with fresh new ideas for music on the show, something that Miss Piggy will actually approve of. 

"Hey maybe we can hire Adele to play for our show!" Floyd suggested, "I think she'd be a good guest singer."

"Floyd, like, we've been over this." Janice said to her long-term boyfriend, patting his shoulder, "Adele is not our guest star."

"The blonde flower goddess speaks the truth, my mustacheo compadre." Dr.Teeth pointed out, grabbing some nearby music sheets from Zoot, who currently is asleep, as in every other band meeting, "A certain someone named Tyler Oakley is our guest star." 

"Does he even sing or whatever?" Floyd asked, "Why would he need us for? Not to be kinda rude or anything."

"I don't think he does sing." Janice replied, rubbing her chin in thought.

"Yeah I think he needs us to be backup music for whatever act that Oak tree is gonna put on." Zoot suddenly spoke from waking up from his nap. 

"Can't exactly tell if you're insultin' the guy or you're still waking up." Floyd said, helping Zoot sit up.

"Well whaddya think Lips?" Janice asked, "What songs do you think we should play for Ty?"

When everyone looked at Lips, they noticed he was looking in a different direction, looking gazed, happy, and his face blushed a mix of pink and red.

"Lips?" Floyd asked, a little louder to get his attention, but without success.

Dr.Teeth began to shake Lips's shoulder gently. "Lips? You inside of another planet or something?" he asked, "Cause it seems you ain't on Earth with us right now." 

Lips finally snapped to attention. 

"Sorry guys I dozed off." Lips said, shaking his head and then focusing on his friends, "What did ya wanna ask me?" 

Suddenly everyone begin to laugh quietly, still noticing that Lips's face was still blushing.

"What?" Lips asked, "Something wrong? Did Pepe and Rizzo draw on my face Again??"

Floyd began to calm down. "Nah man you're red." he replied.

"Red?" Lips asked.

"Like, you're blushing sweetie." Janice said, trying to contain her quiet giggles, "What were you looking at?"

Lips turned even redder. 
Suddenly Dr.Teeth peered behind Lips's back and began to grin as he realized he knew what Lips was really looking at. There was a group of new recruits given a tour by Kermit the Frog and Fozzie Bear.

"I do believe I have found the culprit." Dr.Teeth said, now wrapping a long arm around Lips's shoulders, "Lips is deep, deep, deeply in love, bitten by the love bug. And I do believe that one of the new cats in the studio is making him redder than a beating heart."

Lips sighed. "It's true..." Lips replied.

"One of the new Muppets? Really?" Floyd asked.

"That's great man!" Janice said, patting Lips's knee.

"Which cat?" Zoot asked. 

Lips smiled as he looked back to the crowd of new people and pointed to a small blue girl. She had pale light blue skin and dark navy blue hair (not like Zoot's). Her body was so skinny she'd be a simple twig from a tree branch, so fragile. Her eyes were big and black with purple eyelids, a small, round, green nose, and a small shy smile. Her hair was in a high mid-straight-and-curly pony tail that ended to her ankles; she had on a big white shirt with Hello Kitty that looked more like a dress than a shirt, baggy black pants with rips in the knees and calves, and brown worn out sandals. 
"That one." Lips said, "The one with the long blue hair."

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