A Day Home Alone

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The next morning came quickly after falling asleep at 3 in the morning. Lips woke up feeling exhausted, not in the mood to get out of bed. Not just because he was up at one in the morning and didn't fall asleep until around 3 am, but he never wanted his cuddling with Leah to end. 
Opening his eyes, he looked down to see Leah, snuggled close to him, legs wrapped around one of his legs, and sleeping like a baby would. After a beautiful romantic night with Lips it turned to a huge nightmare that caused her to run away to the only home she had left. Lips wished he could just kiss away the many scars and bruises she currently had in order to take the pain away. 
Lips sighed and laid his head back down on his pillow, taking Leah's open free hand and held it tight-but-gently, caressing the palm of her hand and kissing each of Leah's fingers. Lips would wake her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. She was up all night and couldn't sleep due to night terrors. Lips knew in his heart that Leah will definitely be needing a day off of work or two just to try and get some rest and maybe heal up a bit.

To Lips, he thought he could use one too. He still has a headache from all the sake from last night's dinner and someone has to stay with Leah and take care of her.

Lips then heard his door open quietly. Lips sat up again to see Floyd, all dressed and ready to go. Floyd was about to say something until he saw Leah sleeping beside Lips. Floyd decided to approach Lips, but keep his voice down, quiet enough not to disturb Leah's slumber.

"Hey you gettin' up or what, man?" Floyd asked quietly.

Lips looked down at Leah and sighed.

"Sorry Floyd..." Lips replied quietly as he stroked Leah's hair, "Haven't got much sleep since we came back last night. Leah was havin' trouble gettin' to sleep. We didn't sleep till 7 am....and I still got 'dat damn headache from last night..."

"Want me to call you off?"

"If ya don't mind. Hope ya'll are okay to play without me."


Lips stopped Floyd for a moment right before Floyd could leave the room.

"Tell Kermit Leah ain't comin' in either." Lips said softly, "I'm gonna take care of her today..make sure she heals up good."

"Sounds good to me." Floyd said, petting Leah's head softly.

A thought came to Lips's mind: "Hey, did everyone else know?"

"About Leah's presence?" Floyd asked softly, now sitting beside Lips on the edge of the bed. Lips nodded his head. 
"Well for one thing mama did ask me who ransacked her drawers last night and then I told her and the guys everything." Floyd explained.

Lips nodded. As long as the Electric Mayhem crew knew about the situation, he was sure that the guys didn't mind having Leah in the house permanently.

"Although," Floyd continued, "The good doctor wanted to speak to Leah about living arrangements, so did Janice."

Lips nodded. "Well let's wait on that, alright?" Lips asked, "Please? She needs to get some rest."

"Sure thing. I'll let him know." Floyd said, now leaving the room, "You just gotta let her know."

As Floyd left the room to tell the rest of the band the news and call Kermit, Lips laid his head back down on the pillow, he looked over at Leah and smiled, now stroking every strand of Leah's long blue hair and giving Leah small pecks on the forehead, her cheeks, her nose, and on her lips.
When Lips leaned in to kiss a tiny bit of her neck, Leah smiled and giggled, trying to hide her neck with her shoulders as she giggled uncontrollably. Lips chuckled as Leah shoulders fell down and she fell back asleep. He loved to make her laugh and smile. As Lips leaned his head back down and fell asleep, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Lips turned to see Janice smiling at the sight.

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