First Date First Kiss

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After only a couple weeks of getting to know Leah, Lips finally has the confidence of asking Leah out on a date. He's thought about it, but tonight was going to be the night to ask her out. 
After working a long day, Leah was getting her coat on to leave. She hated to go back to the orphanage where she lived, but it was her only shelter. But just as she was going to head out the door, she heard her name being called.

"Leah!" said Lips from a long distance, "Leah wait!" 

Lips ran approached Leah, all out of breath. 

"Oh Lips!" Leah said, smiling at her new friend, "What're you doing here?"

"Listen I gotta ask ya somethin'.." Lips said, taking some deep breaths, "Would to get a bite to eat tonight? For dinner?"

"L-like a date?..." Leah asked.

Lips nodded with confidence, even though he had some butterflies in his stomach. "Yeah there's this cool 90's joint not far from here." Lips said, rubbing his forearm in nervousness, "Whaddya think?"

Leah smiled. "Sure!" she said, "The orphanage doesn't care when I come back anymore....we can go." 

Lips smiled, although he still felt bad about the environment she lived in; but he's been in her shoes.

"Why don't we go right now?" Leah asked.

Lips gasped and smiled. "Sure!" Lips said, letting Leah loop her arm through his as he escorts her out of the office.
Together the two walked 5 minutes from the office to the 90's Japanese restaurant. Lips and Leah gazed at the indoor sight around them: so many pictures and nik-naks from the 90's that came from Tokyo, Japan. That was something Lips learned about Leah as he got to know her: she loved Tokyo. She's never been there, but she's seen pictures of popular nerdy trends out there like, Hello Kitty, rilakkuma, a Japanese animated singing group called Vocaloid, and even the trending fashion statement called harajuku. Lips thought to treat Leah well by taking her to something close to Tokyo. 

"Oh Lips you didn't tell me it was a Japanese restaurant!" Leah said with excitement, hugging Lips, "How did you know?"

Lips chuckled. "Well you told me you like this kinda stuff," Lips said, "And since it's new here I'd thought we'd give it a try. Janice mentioned it."

Leah hugged Lips's waist. Lips beamed and blushed pink as he hugged her back.

"Whoa I knew you're a good hugger!" Lips said, stroking every strand of her hair.

Leah giggled as the waiter escorted to their table, where they get to see the chef cook right in front of them.
"We get to watch them cook our food??" Leah exclaimed excited.

"That's right!" Lips said, "I'll be payin' for our dinner tonight. It's on me."

Leah smiled. "Aww Lips..." she said, "I'd hate to see you spend your money like that on friends."

"Well...let's just're special. So I have to." Lips said with a pink face, now pulling Leah's chair back, "Go on have a seat." 

"Thanks.." Leah said, sitting down as Lips pushes her chair in and then sitting beside her, "Wonder what's good?"

As the chef prepared the food, he began by lighting the grill on fire. As the fire grew, Leah gasped and hugged Lips's forearm in fear. Lips gasped too but held her hand. The two stared at each other and both blushed red and giggled. Lips kept Leah's arms around his forearm. He began to have a warm feeling their relationship was getting stronger, even though it hasn't started out yet.

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