Words Can Hurt

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After a long day of clothes and accessories shopping at the mall, exhausted and hungry, Janice and Leah finished off their shopping spree with a trip to the cafe. 
Leah sat down after carrying so many bags in her arms, now letting go of them and having the bags land perfectly on the ground. 

"That was heavy...." Leah said. 

Janice couldn't help but laugh. "Oh sweetie like, we didn't buy that much stuff."

"It was heavy though.." Leah said. Janice smiled and helped her sit up more as Leah was slouching a bit.
"Like, we might have to have Teeth come get us. I don't rully think we have enough money to call the uber driver again.." Janice said, "We like, only got enough for lunch."

"Aww...." Leah said sadly.

"But don't worry baby girl! Mama's like, gonna go get us some lunch. Now you stay here and watch our bags. Okay?" Janice said, leaning down and kissing Leah's cheek, "I'll only be a few minutes fer sure. Like, won't take me that long."

"Okay mommy." Leah said smiling as she starts looking at the stuff her new mother bought her.

Janice giggled as she stepped in line for a vegan Chinese food court. Two things of rice and two drinks should do it. And it wasn't even that busy either! She then proceeded to pull out her cellphone and dialed Dr.Teeth's phone number and held it up to her ear. 

The phone answered after 3 rings.

"Hey baby." said Dr.Teeth's gravely voice over the phone, "What's up? How's the shopping going?"

"Oh hey like, it went rully well! I got her some stuff she likes!" Janice replied, "There's just one problem.." 

"And what's that?" Dr.Teeth asked with a laugh, "Leah's missing her man already? Or are you missing YOUR man already?

Janice giggled as she ordered her and Leah's food. "No silly. Like, I forgot to fill up my wallet again and I only have enough money leftover just for food not for the Uber driver, rully. I'm such a blonde."

"Oh I get ya baby, I get ya." Dr.Teeth said, "Food court right?

"Fer sure!" 

"Well you two hang in there alright? I'll hop into the van and come get you girls no problem!

"Oh thank you Teeth! You're like, a good friend!" Janice smiled.

"You're welcome baby no problem." Dr.Teeth said, "So tell me now. How did Miss Leah enjoy her shopping trip?

"Oh like, she loved it!" Janice said as she took the food tray with the rice and drinks out after she paid the cashier, "She got lots of cool clothes that I might even steal. She's like, practically my size!"

"Oh wow that's cool!" Dr.Teeth said, "I'm sure she had a good time now!

"She fer sure di-" Janice's sentence stopped when she looked up and saw that there were some teenagers trying to hurt Leah and steal her stuff, "Doc get here quick!!" 

"Janice what's wrong?? What's going on?" Dr.Teeth asked in a serious tone.

"Like, there's some teens hurting Leah!! And they're stealing her stuff rully!" Janice screamed, "Get here quick!" 

"I'm on my way baby." Dr.Teeth said.

And just as things got worse, paparazzi found Janice from the distance.

"Oh no, Doc like drive faster!! Paparazzi is coming!" Janice exclaimed.

"Just get outside the mall and I'll be there quick smart!" Dr.Teeth ordered, "I'll pull up at the food court and find you both! Just get her outta there!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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