New Home, New Family, New Life

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After looking at one more glance at Lips and Leah asleep on the couch, Janice walked upstairs to the bedroom her and Floyd shared. Right before Floyd fell asleep, he felt his main squeeze's hand on his shoulder blade. Smiling flirtingly, he took Janice's hand and kissed each of her fingers.

"I'll kiss those sore fingers of yours, baby." Floyd said tiredly, "You really knocked out of the park on that guitar solo."

Janice smiled. "Well thank you hon-bun. Rully." she said, but then started to speak in a serious tone, "But I was like, thinking about's about Leah, fer sure."

Floyd then turned to her and sat up in bed. "What about the kid?" he asked.

"She like, has no family, Floyd." Janice said, "She never knew her parents and she rully needs parent figures and I think we would like, totally fit that description!"

Floyd blinked in surprise. "So you sayin' you wanna have another kid?" he asked.

"Well something like that, rully." Janice said, "WE could adopt her! It would be a rully groovy blessing to have this girl in our family!" 

"Like Kylie right?" Floyd asked.

"Oh rully. They'll both be our li'l blessings!" Janice replied. She remembered that her oldest adopted daughter Kylie was adopted a year before the Electric Mayhem knew Leah. Through the entire time they began to just get to know Leah, Kylie was on a vacation trip with Annie Sue and Yolanda in Italy and London. Janice of course told Kylie about the whole Leah thing, but Kylie already discovered Leah when Lips changed his relationship status on Facebook from single to taken. She messaged him to get all the details about Leah because Leah didn't have social media. 
Leah's never met Kylie yet, but she has messaged her once and they did have a friendly bond.

"Oh cmon Floyd," Janice said, "You'd be a groovy and hip father figure for Leah! She'll adore you! Just like Kylie is rully your daughter."
Floyd crossed his arms and thought for a minute, then perked his head up to look at his main squeeze, who kept smiling at him.

"Well...I will admit I can definitely see you and Leah clickin' too like how you and Kylie are." Floyd exclaimed, "Lips DID say Leah is a crafty lovin' hippie cutie like you."

Janice blushed at that comment.

"I will say that Leah can be a perfect member of our family!" Floyd said, taking Janice's hands and kissing her lips, "But it'll be Leah's choice first. And....does Lips know about this idea?"

Janice nodded her head. "Oh fer sure. Like, when we went on a break during rehearsal, I texted him and asked for his opinion on it and he's like, totally on board with the idea! Just as long as him and Leah are together."

"Well as her father figure I approve." Floyd said in a posture similar to Sam the Eagle.

Janice giggled. "Floyd quit being Sam."

"Hey that bulky bitch bird needs to stop blowin' off our groove, mama." Floyd said, wrapping an arm around her and kisses the top of her head, "So when do we get the papers?" 

Janice smiled. "Well like you said rully, we'll have to like, wait to see what she wants to do and then we'll totally get the papers if she says yes." 

"I love it when you talk seriously." Floyd said.

"Does it like, turn you on?"

"Oh mama, anything about you turns me on." 

"Why don't you like, turn the lights off and I'll totally show you something that can fer sure turn you on?"

"Just the  way you talk to me right now already turned me on." Floyd said switching the lights off.

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