Chapter 2

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"Please. Yes. Please brian." Your moans are soft. One of his hands is wrapped around your throat squeezing and the other is playing with your nipple. "Shazhu mne cheho ty khochesh." He whispers in your ear. "I want you Bri. Please." You moan into his ear. He starts planting small kisses down your neck and stomach.

"HONK HONK" You jolt awake to the sound of a fire truck. Your breathing is heavy and sweat is dripping down youe forehead. When you look down, your shirt is on the ground and your panties are soaked. Sighing, you stand up and basically fall to the ground. Your legs are so weak from the dream. It was an amazing dream, but two dreams two nights in a row? Really? What the hell is wrong with you?

You got up and showered. You were performing again tonight but not at the same club. This one was in west hollywood where Trix lives. It made you nervous because you've never performed in west hollywood. You still had to send the club manager your three songs you were performing. Your phone buzzed and you pick it up to see who it is. It's Trix.

"Hey cunt. You ready for tonight?" You roll your eyes and grin. "I'm a bit nervous but you'll be there so I'll be ok." "Well guess whos gonma fucking be here." Your heart skips a beat. You automatically know that it's Katya. Your breath hitches and you smile from ear to ear. "Katya?" You say nervously. "Yes you whore. She knows about you but only because of me. Don't want you thinking you're some famous skinny legend like me now do we?" You flail your arms around and laugh. "Bitch please. Ill see you tonight. Bye." After you hang up, you start getting dressed for tonight.

Katyas POV

I'm performing along side Trixie and a friend of hers. She talks about her quite a bit. She sounds like an interesting person, but can she deal with my humor? Trixie is sitting down doing her makeup. "Hey mom, ready for a good fucking." I say in my Maureen voice. She cackles and pushes me away. "Theres no way in hell I would ever let you fuck me Brenda." I bust into laughter and sit next to Trix. "So is (Y/N) coming tonight? I plan on feeding her soul to satan later." I'm contouring my face while Trix just stares at me with disgust. "Yes she's coming. Oh and by the way, she might be a little obsessed. Not in the bad way though. But dont get your dick in a twist. You're not that appealing anyway." My arms flail around while I wheeze. "So you're saying I can trick her into coming to my house thinking we're gonna fuck, but in all reality, im just gonna feed her body to my neighbors? Great!"

It's now 8:30 and we start the show at 9:30. (Y/N) isn't here yet. "Trix, wheres-" "IM HERE. IM HERE." A short brunette (or what your hair color is) was running towards Trixie and I. She was wearing a light pink robe with feathers on the wrists. Her hair came down to right above her butt. My god she was beautiful. On top of that, she has sea green eyes. "Hey Trix. I'm So-sorry." She stopped and she started stuttering. "Bitch, srop choking and finsih your sentence." Trixie said. She just stood there for a minute. "I'm uhm. I'm gonna go back to the dressing room." She struts to the door and walks in shutting it behind her.

"Damn Katya. Look what you did." I shook my head and threw my hands up. "It's not my fault im a sexy russian whore you cunt." We walk back to the dressing room and there she is, sitting down touching up her makeup in the mirror. She stands up and slips the robe off, and my jaw immediately drops. Trixie gasps. "Oh shit. Fuck. Hi." She says nervously. "Damn girl. What numbers are you doing?" Trixie asks still shocked. "Im doing I Am A Good Girl from Burlesaue for the first one. And the second will be tainted love, then the third, well, thats a surprise. She bites her lip.

"Well, I can't wait to see it." I say quietly but loud enough for her to hear. Her whole face is red. "Guess so."

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